The Return of Ackerwoman: IRVINE CARPETBAGGER

Remember this one? It seems that some enterprising Russians have been sharing this clip with their pals in Mockba. So we thought, what the heck! If it’s good enough for Ivan, it’s good enough for the voters of the 72nd District – to be reminded THAT ACKERMAN, INC. DOES NOT LIVE IN OUR DISTRICT! OH, NO. NOT EVEN CLOSE. THE WOMAN WHO WANTS TO REPRESENT NORTH ORANGE COUNTY IN THE STATE ASSEMBLY LIVES IN IRVINE, AND HAS DONE SO FOR TEN YEARS!

6 Replies to “The Return of Ackerwoman: IRVINE CARPETBAGGER”

  1. Yep. A secret, gated community. In Irvine. A phony address “rented” from some crony in Fullerton. Shameful and despicable.

  2. Mr. Fleischman, I am concerned about something that I noticed in your film. You were noticeably straining for breath and wheezing after a short walk up Mr. Ackerman’s driveway. Please make an appointment for a checkup very soon.

  3. Dr. Hall, you must be mistaken. Don’t you know that Fleischman passed the rigorous reserve deputy program under the former and illustrious Sheriff, Mike Carona?

    It’s just not credible that somebody from that sort of intense physical training would let himself become a big tub of guts.

  4. za word haz it, Mr. Dik Akerman haz a bountie on Jon Flashboy for recordink disa bideo………… 250,000 rubles.

  5. You bastards better take down that clip or I’m going to sue the sh*t out of you! Remember Jones Day is just a phone call away.

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