Laying Down Tracks


The Orange Line is comming to town, perhaps at the wrong time. Not only did the OCTA use eminent domain to grab 8 acres of property from my brother, but they also removed much-needed parking at the Transportation Center before the new parking structure was built. Talk about a bumbling construction schedule. Oh well that’s government for you.

7 Replies to “Laying Down Tracks”

  1. We live in the SOCO Walk and since the construction began this past week commuters are parking on Truslow, Valencia, and even Ash!

    I’m amazed at how dumb the masterminds of this project could be.

  2. Great…Its better than having old abandoned buildings used by FTT Bangers…I say use up the useless ghetto land

  3. GO OCTA :
    Great…Its better than having old abandoned buildings used by FTT Bangers…I say use up the useless ghetto land

    I bet you can’t list 1 address of an “old abandoned building” in that part of Fullerton.

  4. Same question came up at a presentation to the Train Riders Association of California in Ventura Saturday. The Fullerton work is part of the Metrolink Service Expansion Program (MSEP). It is a $211 million project that includes Turnbacks at bothe end of the project, Grade crossing Program and rehab, and Fiber Optice. Fullertons parking garage is scheduled for completion in July of 2011 and the the complete project in August 2011.

    Altlhough it appears stupid if you only look at the Fullerton construction the whole project needs to start now so the all pieces come together in August 2011 for service start up.

  5. OCTA today gave Placentia a bail-out loan of 5 million dollars that could have gone to the bus service which is being cut drastically, because Placentia scammed money from CalTrans and they want it paid back. Placentia didn’t like the deal CalTrans offered, so they went after the soft touch, OCTA. Which is building a parking structure in Fullerton for the Soco (SomeOutrageousConningOpportunities) district bar owners.

    –while to the north, MTA is adding lines and service.

  6. the metrolink expansion is a scam.

    Imagine spending 230 million so that how many people can catch a train every 30 minutes from Fullerton to Laguna Niguel?

    Bus service expansion is needed much more than we need metrolink expansion.

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