One For The Road…

Our very close pals at Friends For North Orange County are planning a farewell card for Linda Ackerwoman. Because you Friends are just so darn friendly we offer you a sneak preview of a mailer that’s landing in 10,000 non-absentee Republican and DTS mailboxes manana.

Here's the front. Fake charity to benfit Linda's friends.
Here's the front. Fake charity to benfit Linda's friends.
And the back. You mean she really lives in irvine? Shocking!
And the back. You mean she really lives in irvine? Shocking!

7 Replies to “One For The Road…”

  1. Lewis anymore. I’ve spoken with several insiders who harbored doubts that Lewis might torpedo Norby himself. The fact that his partner’s wife worked for “Ackerwoman” speaks volumes.

  2. Earth to Matt Jerbal Cunningham,

    Please point out one thing on this mailer that is untrue. Next, please remind us why you shill for the Ackerwoman.

    Go Jerbil, Go Jerbil!

  3. This is exactly how Norby should have done this campaign. No slander here, all true facts.

    By the way, Lewis has been playing both sides the whole time. Either way, he wins.

  4. I received this piece in the mail and it was the best bit of truth I’ve heard so far. The elected representitives that are supporting Ackerwomen knowing that she doesn’t live in the district tells me that they are only in it for the money.

    I hope to see a list of those cheaters so we can pick them of 1 by 1.

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