Harry Sidhu is running for O.C. Supervisor — in the wrong district

My sources tell me that Anaheim City Councilman Harry Sidhu is running for Orange County Supervisor in the Fourth District — even though he lives in theThird District. He is scouting a new residence in the Fourth. Beginning a week ago, on Feb. 6, I made several calls to Sidhu to confirm his position, but he has not returned the calls. So I’m going with this story anyway.His candidacy means Sidhu is moving out of the Third District, the location of his current residence, into the Fourth District.It’s called carpetbagging, and Americans frown on it. A politician is supposed to come from among the people he represents. (Click here to read the rest of this article by John Seiler). Photo courtesy of the Orange Juice Blog.

6 Replies to “Harry Sidhu is running for O.C. Supervisor — in the wrong district”

  1. We don’t need no stinkin’ carpetbagger!

    Seriously, Harry’s not a bad guy, but he won’t carry a single Fullerton, La Habra or Placentia precinct. He may do better in central Anaheim but there he’ll have to compete with Daly and probably Galloway.

    Somebody needs to talk to Harry about this misadventure.

  2. Joe, it’s not going to be his friend Chris Norby, the word on the street is that Norby’s going to endorse everyone including carpet bagging Sidu. He learned from Flackerman that if you endorse everyone, they will put your picture on their mailers. FREE ADVERTISEMENT!

  3. Bob, you forgot Buena Park. Sidu wont carry a precinct there either.

    Harry sue for peace, try to look like a team player and maybe Royce, Baugh, Walters, DuVall and Nelson will back you for your run in 2012. On the other hand, get your ass kicked two elections in a row and you become a republican punch line.

  4. Carpet bagging is when a person moves into a district and then runs for political office, however, when one pretends to live in a district but really doesn’t is fraud. Former Fullerton councilwoman Julie Saw knows what happens to people when they defraud our government.

    Fast food Harry, you would be nuts to move your family from your current residence, the historic Yorba palace and grounds to some cookie cutting flat landing neighborhood in Anaheim to run for the 4th district seat when you could run for the 2nd District seat being vacated by Bill “fast food” Cambell in the district you and your family lives in, and I know your not nuts, so give it up, no one is going to fall for this charade.

  5. Harry, winning Fullerton isa going to be a easy magic carpet ride a for you Mr. Harrie. Oh those Fullerton voters are so stupid. They elected me a twice a and I can’ta even speaka or understanda inglish. Justa getta yourselfa soma nice a sings anda you gettallected.

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