Those birds won’t be coming home to roost. Not if CSUF can help it.
A few years ago Cal State Fullerton decided to get into the housing business for its employees. Why public employees should get any sort of preferential treatment for housing is beyond me, but that’s the society in which we live.
Anyway, the whole thing turned out to be a massive disaster, but not an embarrassment, of course, for such things are not permitted in the lofty ether of educratic circles. FFFF posted about it here, and here.
Recap: the university made a deal with the Elks for land up on Elk Hill and sold a bond to build a bunch of cookie-cutter tract duplexes that were to be sold to professors and administrators, and such like, and subsidized by you and me. The only problem was that an underlying deed restriction required sale to others in the same category, an encumbrance that turned out to be a lot more than a mere nuisance, especially when real estate prices were plummeting all over the place.
The university also had the responsibility to make monthly payments to the Elks for their land, which were to passed on to lucky buyers: a sort of Mello-Roos arrangement, if you will.
The eggheads never made it to Egghead Hill
But nobody was buying. So the university opened up residence to any government workers. Still no sales. Finally they just started renting them out to anybody with a cleaning deposit and first month’s rent. Could it get worse?
Looks like it could. Persistent rumors suggest that CSUF wants out of the University heights disaster altogether by completely removing the deed restriction and just selling them off – individually or as a group – no doubt at fire sale prices. They obviously need the cash.
The losses on the original deal would be quietly swept under the rug – no doubt with diminishing fund balances bailing out the catastrophe.
And what for? According to an acquaintance at Western Law School, CSUF wants to buy their facility for $20,000,000, give or take, and metastasize across State College.
It’s pretty clear to me that the CSUF appetite for real-estate wheeling and dealing is insatiable, even as the CSU system teeters on the financial brink. It’s also clear that nobody is going to be held accountable for the University Heights quagmire. F. “Dick” Jones, the City mastermind, is recalled; his buddy, former City manager Chris is fatly pensioned off; Bill Dickerson, the CSUF architect of the fiasco is retired, too. CSUF President, the dopey Milton Gordon? You guessed it. Gone, as well.
Would it be asking too much for our State Assemblyman Chris Norby to demand an inquiry on what unfolded up on Elk Hill?
The Boys in The White Van have just intercepted this vital communication from former Fullerton Spokesholetress, Sylvia Mudrick to a whole gaggle of Old Guard acquaintances. Hmm. The Bushala Three? Right on! Check it out:
Hi – I have a big favor to ask! As you probably have heard, at the Aug. 7 Council meeting, the Bushala Three, encouraged also by Shawn Nelson, will direct Joe to get a quote from the Sheriff’s Department to take over law enforcement in Fullerton.
I’d like to ask you to – if you agree with keeping the FPD – contact people on your email list and ask them to either call (714-738-6311), email (, or attend the meeting to voice opposition to the Sheriff being asked to take over the city.
Nothing is to be gained by bringing the OCSD on board, while much would be lost – less manpower in the field and lack of the FPD’s familiarity with the city and its people. Also, the OCSD has had its own hefty share of controversies.
I’ve never felt compelled in my nearly 27 years with the city to send out this kind of appeal, but Fullerton is in a dire situation and needs help. Hope you agree with the urgency here.
Thanks so much! Sylvia Mudrick
Interesting that Sylvia thinks nothing is to be gained by gathering information about police service costs. But this sweet lady probably never cared a whit for the people that were paying her own inflated salary and benefits during her 27 year stint with the City, as she peddled mindless PR pabulum to the likes of Lou Ponsi and Barbara Giasone.
Well, we here at FFFF believe that knowledge is power, and that the City Council would not only be remiss, but would be derelict in the duty to the citizenry if they didn’t explore options and collect information.
Well, here ya go: the last gasp of Fullerton’s Yellowing Observers? Could be. As my old friend Don Carlos Marx once said: History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
Teresa Smith (middle), Marlena Carrillo (left), Shelly Kearney (right with hat)
On Sunday I had the opportunity to witness an amazing display of principle and courage. As many of you know, our neighbors to the south in Anaheim had the misfortune of yet another police killing of 25-year-old Manuel Diaz who was unarmed. Diaz is the 7th person killed by Anaheim cops this year. The killing sparked neighborhood protests, one of which I attended outside the Anaheim police station.
A group of anarchist protesters armed with short sticks approached police on horses in front of the police station where Anaheim Crusader Teresa Smith was standing and protesting. Teressa’s son, Cesar Cruz, was another victim who died at the hands of the APD in 2009. She’s been protesting and advocating for peace and justice every Sunday outside the Anaheim police station for the past two years.
The anarchists were carrying short broom sticks and had their faces covered with bandannas. As they approached, Teressa told the angry group of anarchist to put down the sticks and protest peacefully. Marlena Carrillo and Shelly Kearney with Kelly’s Army showed up to support Teressa and also encouraged the angry protesters to stand down.
The angry group calmed down and the rest of the protest went peacefully from that point on. No broken windows, no rocks or bottles, although the police did arrest several people for no apparent reason.
Sunday’s protest ended peacefully despite the ARMY of cops there prepared to maim and kill. That’s a direct result of the courage of a group of principled women who were driven by peace to advocate for peace.
By 4F Friend and Beverly Hills Vice Mayor John Mirisch
Kelly Thomas changed everything.
As someone who believes that local government is the best form of democracy — after all, it’s the closest to the people — I recognize that it can be among the most frustrating forms of government when it fails us. We almost have come to expect government for and by special interests from our state and federal legislative bodies, but when the system doesn’t work locally, when it doesn’t listen, when it doesn’t put the residents first, it’s almost as if it’s a betrayal at the hands of our own neighbors. Those are the times when local government represents the antithesis of what Community (with a capital “C”) should be all about.
When the system doesn’t work locally, the response is often for people to throw up their figurative arms and figuratively sigh that old adage: “You can’t fight City Hall.”
Here’s some old footage of a Fullerton anti-police brutality protest from last summer. Notice how hundreds of protesters marched through the streets in a brief display of free speech with a hint of civil disobedience.
Also notice that there were no cops. No show of force. No body armor. No tactical pepper rounds. No beanbag shotguns. And no violence.
Contrast that to Anaheim last night, where hundreds of cops lined up in full body armor, arguably igniting tensions and transforming a raucous protest into a minor riot.
She even orchestrated a mean spirited attack on young kids riding their bikes on their own property.
You wouldn’t be smiling either if your zygomatic arch had just got smacked with the business end of a broomstick!
Will she return the papers and begin to explain publicly why she supported the incompetent and criminal Culture of Corruption under the Three Dessicated Dinosaurs? I sure hope so.