There is a precinct walk event for Shawn Nelson next Saturday, March 27th which meets at Hillcrest Park. We will gather at 12:30PM for lunch and the walking will begin at 1:30PM. I believe we’re meeting in the main picnic area at the base of the hill. The place isn’t that big. You’ll see us.
A precinct can usually be walked within 2 or 3 hours, however you could certainly do part of it and finish later. Shawn needs our help on this. Shawn is a great guy and has many friends, however as a businessman and family man with many responsibilities, he’s not a professional politician who has made it his life’s work to do nothing more than develop warm and fuzzy relationships from people who want something from him. He just works hard for his family, his employees and for the taxpayers.
Let’s get this guy elected to to County Supervisor so that we have some continued defense against the insane power of public employee unions. Organizations like Friends for Fullerton’s Future and the Fullerton Association of Concerned Taxpayers are groups who fight for better government without regard for personal gain. Nearly all of those involved in groups like ours support Shawn because he is one of us.