Design the New City Seal. Win Valuable Prizes

Friends, howzabout about a contest?

We need a prize, of course. Some junk from the FFFF gift shop? We have some T shirts left, I think. Somebody around here stole some Bad Chi signs so I think we may be able give some of those away. Or maybe the real prize is simply contributing to the glory of our city.

Anyway, here’s the first entry. That ought to get your creative juices flowing.

Entries can be emailed to us or uploaded to and linked in the comments. Good luck!

Update from Admin:

Alright, I found the perfect prize…

It’s a CD from Nancy Sanchez, an awesome jazz singer. My friend Gabriel San Roman told me about Nancy and I saw her play at Steamers in downtown Fullerton. She has a great voice and is pretty cool, too. Check outĀ

The City Seal

A while back one of our fans suggested we’d get sued by the City for use of the City seal. (we didn’t). And that go me thinking about the seal itself. So let’s talk about it.

“Designed by artist Tom Van Sant in 1962, the figures shown in the seal are stylized depictions of the qualities important to the City of Fullerton. The orange tree refers to the City’s agricultural beginnings; the man, woman and child represent families; and the open book represents the City’s commitment to providing education and cultural opportunities to its citizens.”

Nothing says 1962 like Fullerton City Hall

It’s a real, stylized period piece, alright. Just like the building it adorns. Like it? Hate it? Don’t give a damn?

People You’d Like To Hit Up Along Side the Head With a 350 lbs. Frozen Tuna

Freeze it. Use it.

The other day, we posted about some pea-brained, freeze-dried idiot who tried to link our alleged hate-speakĀ on the type of violence perpetrated by some loonatic in Arizona.

Well, shit-howdy, that didn’t seem quite fair. We here at FFFF don’t advocate violence. But if we did, we might advocate slappin’ yer favorite Fullerton official up along side the head with a 350 pound, frozen albacore. But don’t count on using pointed objects, fire arms, slingshots, or any other dangerous objects. No, it’s gotta be a 350 pound tuna. And it’s gotta be frozen.

Fringie Failure Rectified

The Fringie Awards came and went but for some inexplicable reason I failed to pass along a Special Fringie Award that is, perhaps, the most deserved award ever won in the entire history of the freakin’ human race.

Well you know what it’s for, just like Friend Otis who reminded us of our oversight.

The Special Fringie for Best Use of Animation Ever, goes to Fire Hero, and it’s brilliant auteur, Oliver Stone.

Always remember. I am Hero and deserve!

The Few, the Proud, the Fringe: And The Fringie Goes to….

Worst Vote 2010. For sheer, wasteful incompetence you’ve really got to hand it to Chris Norby. The judges were horrified by the deed. Politicians get so few chances to do the right thing without fear of reprisal of some sort. And when confronted with the opportunity to tell Janet Nguyen to take her stupid memorial and shove it up her Midway City, Norby gave her a big, wet $350,000 kiss. Ugh.

You want a monument?

Best Image of 2010. Was there ever any doubt? The selection committee didn’t even pause for another bong rip. You knew, too, didn’t you. Here it is:

The assclownery was complete. The deal was done. The ink was dry.

Engaging Political Mailers. This one was tough and the committee labored long and hard. And by long and hard I mean, hello bankrupt Aaron Gregg; and good-bye to any chance of winning anything:

Well, there goes the campaign. Too many consonants in all the wrong places!

Best Campaign Sign. Another no-brainer for the selection committee who by now was totally fried. In a year of outstanding campaign sign outstandatude, one entry blew the others away. And you you knew it was coming, dintcha? Bad Chi. Bad, bad Chi!

Roland's cookie toss.

Wackiest Political Stooge of the Year. Yep, the dark horse took the bait and takes the brass ring. And by brass ring I mean a coveted Fringie. And by dark horse I mean the nominee originally set up just to round out the field. The humorless, brain-washed oddball 4sd Observer, re-emerged to remind us all of the hollow Sham that was Pam and the various cretins who actually bought into her scam and continue to defend it.

Is your weiner a Collabricorn?

Most Embarrassing Political Endorsement. Hopefully you caught on by the time you reached the end of the squalid list. And if u dint u r not 2 brite. All these miscreants, dingbats, and airheads endorsed the same bozo – Hairball Sidhu. And he in turn was only too eager to publicize their support. And that means they all deserved each other – a way down there at the bottom of the slimy well.

Well, there goes the wet dream!

Worst Political Candidate. Yes, Hairbag Sidhu is an inveterate office-seeking, perjuring assclown. Lorraine Galloway is a blithering idiot. But neither of them actually poisoned anybody. Neither had to give their DNA to the DA to dodge a stay at Theo Lacy; neither’s old man was busted, in flagrante delicto, stealing campaign signs. And so the winner must be obvious. It was to the committee. Cue Roland Chi theme song.

Spit and acquit. I did!

The Committee believed it would be remiss without recognizing special contributors to the North OC Scene, and so it deemed Special Fringies to be in order. here they are:

The 2010 Don’t Know Whether to Laugh or to Cry Special Fringie goes to this collection of crooks and scammers who seem to understand the bathos of the June 2010 election night situation. All except the buffoon in the middle, of course, who seems to find the whole thing humorous:

What went wrong?

The 2010 Do As I Say Not As I Do Special Fringie Hypocrisy Award goes to none other than Matthew J. Cunningham, who rails about big government and nanny states, as well as all the other repuglican moralistic bugaboos, but who actually makes his living, such as it is, on the government crumbs his ‘pug bosses brush off their table. In 2010 we busted this fine, upstanding “conservative” gentleman for being the publicist of the Rob Reiner tax-and-redistribute OC Children and Families Commission where he was making $200 an hour handing out toothbrushes, listening to the radio, having lunch with Steve Greenhut, writing op-ed pieces for Democrats, and even filing his obscene invoices in his garage (Suite C) file cabinet.

Suddenly all of his previous behavior made a lot more sense.

It really paid off. For a while.

Best New Phrase of Invective 2010. The judges weren’t even going to award this Special Fringie in 2010. And then just last week one of the Friends coined this sparkling gem: Fullertonions. Was it intentional? Was it just a typo? The judges didn’t give a damn. The term just seems so right to describe the dismal, vegetative state of an electorate that would elevate fellow vegetables Pat McPension and Don Blankhead. And onions make you cry.

Best Hope for Fullerton’s Future. This Special Fringie goes to Bruce Whitaker and Chris Thompson, two dudes who seem to get it. In two years you will have a chance to build on these 2010 success stories. Will you? Or will you let the onions have a free ride?

Well, Friends, them there’s your 2010 Fringies. It’s been one helluva a year for you Fullertonions down there, and all I can say is you got what you deserved. But what do I know? I’m just a deceased canine and just damn glad to be up here in Dog Heaven.

Fringe For All: Worst Vote of 2010

Inflamed, chartreuse mind-bubbling Jebus! The worst vote. Think of the horrible depths one has to plumb with one’s thumb to pull out this choice plum.

Here are your 2010 nominees:

A bad one for the road.

1. The Monument. On his way out the door, departing 4th District Supervisor Chris Norby paused long enough to cast a vote of approval for Janet Nguyen’s idiotic bequest of County slush funds to build some sort of Vietnam commemorative something in a Midway City pocket park. The price tag was $350,000, to be doled out to some sort of performing arts troupe. So when Norby finally got the chance to cast a freebie vote not to waste money, what does he do? He votes to waste it, big time.

It was big enough, but would it get off the ground?

2. The Megalopolis. The latest Downtown master plan (there’s a new one every five years just to keep the Redevelopment clowns busy) is a monstrously overbuilt plan that would essentially wipe out any lingering essence of authenticity in the place. Who voted to move this forward? The usual cast of zombies: Pam Keller, Don Bankhead and Heehaw Jones.

Man's gotta know his limitations...

3. The Coward. Newly sworn in ex-tough guy cop Pat McPension gets a nod here for what was only his second vote in office: to stick it to Sharon Quirk-Silva and vote for the geriatric pudding aficionado Don Blankhead as Mayor Pro Tem. Not only did he hand a giant F-U to a person whose endorsement helped get him elected, he showed his true mettle vis-a-vis the repuglican old guard, and stern stuff it was not. Poor McPension. He knows he can’t serve two masters, and he has made his choice. Too bad for the public.

4. Special Friend’s Choice. Feel free to nominate your favorite bad vote 2010, either in Fullerton or at the County. All offerings will be duly noted for Fringie consideration by the nominating committee!

Fringified: Best Image of 2010

Update 2: Colony Drivell is right. And so another Top Secret session of the nominating committee has been convened to authorize a post-post entry. See last, last image.


Update: Savage is right. And so a Top Secret session of the Nomination Committee has been convened to authorize a post-post entry. See last image.


Scanning backwards over the year the nominating judges have considered these pictures Fringie-worthy. I hope you agree.

When the money ran out, the laughing stopped.

1. The Assclown. What could possibly be better than this image of an ass and a clown co-joined for eternity. This picture of Hairball Sidhu shows the transmogrification of an ass into a clown. And now it belongs to the ages.

Don't you just hate it when a nail breaks while boxing canned goods for the po'?

2. The Limousine Liberals. This was a perfect of top-down do-gooderism photo op: Loretta Sanchez and Lorraine Galloway slummin’ it up in what appears to be some sort of food drive. Enjoy the couture, the pearls and the expensive manicures. Who knew operating a charity paid so well?

Take two aspirin and call the brain surgeon in the morning.

3. The Head Injury. Proprietor of the Liberal OC blog (channeling the right-wing noise machine” as one wag puts it) Chris Prevatt excelled himself this past year for doing what he does best – lookin’ creepy. And we had a little fun with that.

This was no time for play, there was work to be done!

4. Keller in the Hat. Poor Pam. Gone but not quite forgotten. This woman really likes to put on stupid hats and mug for the camera. And why not? Looking stupid is a perfect accompaniment to acting and talking stupid.

Rack 'em up, Hairball!

5. The Fake Abode #1. The beautiful Calabria Apartments beckoned to Hairbag Sidhu. A refrigerator was moved in, but not Sidhu. He registered to vote there, but never actually lived there. The pink stucco box behind the billiards sign was a perfect reflection of the greasy Sidhu hustle – cheap, fake, and ultimately comical.

Somebody call the Humane Society!

6. Poor Bella. Somebody should have called the SPCA. Any creature, human or otherwise that is subjected to the vapid stupidity of Lorraine Galloway, the 58 year old teenybopper, has been abused. Arf!

Small furry creatures were stirring underfoot. And it was getting cold.

7. Jurassic Park. This image of Fullerton’s ossified Mayor Pro Tem surfaced this year. No, Bankhead is the one wearing the necktie. The delicious irony of this picture is undeniable. And the site? Why, it’s at Hairbag Sidhu’s Elegant Yorba Estate, of course, far from the lowly 4th District he wanted to represent so badly.

Hold on tight...

8. The Cheap Cologne. Hide and Seek Sidhu met Pam Keller at the big Democrat Labor Day fest at the Santa Ana Zoo. It was love at first sight, a real meeting of the shallow and superficial. And proof that the best exhibits weren’t behind the bars.