Fringified: Best Image of 2010

Update 2: Colony Drivell is right. And so another Top Secret session of the nominating committee has been convened to authorize a post-post entry. See last, last image.


Update: Savage is right. And so a Top Secret session of the Nomination Committee has been convened to authorize a post-post entry. See last image.


Scanning backwards over the year the nominating judges have considered these pictures Fringie-worthy. I hope you agree.

When the money ran out, the laughing stopped.

1. The Assclown. What could possibly be better than this image of an ass and a clown co-joined for eternity. This picture of Hairball Sidhu shows the transmogrification of an ass into a clown. And now it belongs to the ages.

Don't you just hate it when a nail breaks while boxing canned goods for the po'?

2. The Limousine Liberals. This was a perfect of top-down do-gooderism photo op: Loretta Sanchez and Lorraine Galloway slummin’ it up in what appears to be some sort of food drive. Enjoy the couture, the pearls and the expensive manicures. Who knew operating a charity paid so well?

Take two aspirin and call the brain surgeon in the morning.

3. The Head Injury. Proprietor of the Liberal OC blog (channeling the right-wing noise machine” as one wag puts it) Chris Prevatt excelled himself this past year for doing what he does best – lookin’ creepy. And we had a little fun with that.

This was no time for play, there was work to be done!

4. Keller in the Hat. Poor Pam. Gone but not quite forgotten. This woman really likes to put on stupid hats and mug for the camera. And why not? Looking stupid is a perfect accompaniment to acting and talking stupid.

Rack 'em up, Hairball!

5. The Fake Abode #1. The beautiful Calabria Apartments beckoned to Hairbag Sidhu. A refrigerator was moved in, but not Sidhu. He registered to vote there, but never actually lived there. The pink stucco box behind the billiards sign was a perfect reflection of the greasy Sidhu hustle – cheap, fake, and ultimately comical.

Somebody call the Humane Society!

6. Poor Bella. Somebody should have called the SPCA. Any creature, human or otherwise that is subjected to the vapid stupidity of Lorraine Galloway, the 58 year old teenybopper, has been abused. Arf!

Small furry creatures were stirring underfoot. And it was getting cold.

7. Jurassic Park. This image of Fullerton’s ossified Mayor Pro Tem surfaced this year. No, Bankhead is the one wearing the necktie. The delicious irony of this picture is undeniable. And the site? Why, it’s at Hairbag Sidhu’s Elegant Yorba Estate, of course, far from the lowly 4th District he wanted to represent so badly.

Hold on tight...

8. The Cheap Cologne. Hide and Seek Sidhu met Pam Keller at the big Democrat Labor Day fest at the Santa Ana Zoo. It was love at first sight, a real meeting of the shallow and superficial. And proof that the best exhibits weren’t behind the bars.

Fringe Alert: Biggest Boondoggle 2010

In a year full of idiotic boondoggles, the nominating committee had a real challenge coming up with the best, or worst, depending on your point of view. The committee considered size, because it matters, but also pure, unfiltered nonsense, too.

I do not have a shoe fetish!

1. The Hall of Shame. County Clerk-Recorder paid a campaign supporter named Brett Barbre $48,000 to “study” an OC Sports Hall of Fame. Forget the fact that this has nothing to do with Daly’s job, or that Barbre was nothing other than a cash conduit. Just remember that the guy didn’t do anything. As Daly succinctly put it: Barbre was paid for ideas not long reports, and of course Daly got neither. Too bad it was our money. Oh, yeah -the media snoozed.

Maybe that copper is worth something...

2. The Money Pit. Chalk up another one for Tom Daly. He talked the County Supervisors into sinking $2.1 million into a tear-down derelict building in Santa Ana to house his archives and his defunct Sports Hall of Fame (see above). The Board was lied to and crucial information about the true cost of making the building habitable was withheld. To this day collective amnesia reigns, especially with John Moorlach who ordered an investigation and later went along with the cover-up. Yep, the media snoozed.

We had to destroy the village in order to save it...

3. The Megalopolis. Yet another plan for downtown Fullerton, Der Transporation Center Meisterplan anticipates the final destruction of any remaining authenticity in Fullerton and its replacement with every master planner’s wet-dream. Albert Speer would be proud. Fortunately it will never come to fruition. But millions will be wasted and lots of damage done trying. Be sure to thank Bankhead, Jones and Keller next time you see them.

Mistakes were made...

4. Pringle’s Folly. High Speed Rail – LA to Anaheim. Not needed and not wanted except by Anaheim’s ex-Mayor-for-Hire and recent tongue bath recipient Kurt Pringle;  Pringle was recently busted by the Attorney General for holding incompatible offices, and Jerry B. now knows what  Orange County has known all along: Pringle is in it for Pringle. Big Time. FFFF has shared the record of foreign junkets, cover-ups, faked ridership numbers, etc., etc. I don’t even have the energy to do the links. I get tired just thinking about it.

The damage done by this monster to the fabric of the cities it would pass through and to the public purse is incalculable. But hey, Kurt’s gotta pay his bills, too, right?

Well there you have it, Friends. Four embarrassing boondoggles of varying shapes and sizes. Who will the selection committee go with? Stay tuned…

Oh! Come All Ye Fringers: Engaging Political Mailers 2010

Another Big Fringie Award. Most Engaging Political Flier. It’s a sad fact that most positive, puff political pieces are mind numbingly boring and or stupid. They are almost uniformly awful. Maybe it’s just human nature (I don’t know I’m just a dead dog), but the hit pieces are always a lot more fun. And the more your attention gets grabbed, the better they are.

So here’s your nominees:

1. The Food Poisoner. ‘Tamnation, this ones right in yer face. Banner header, gross pictures of code violations, international barfer, nice, clean Helvetica text for the “informed voter,” concluding banner footer. Message loud and clear: this pustule is a scum suck!

2. The Mug Shot. Nothing says municipal rip-off artist like a side-by-side with City of Bell crook Robert Rizzo. What makes this more fun is that the hard-stool-passing tough guy look by Fullerton’s Pat McPension was actually harvested from one of his own puff pieces!

3. The Hot Air Balloon. from last spring comes this gem, an image of a giant Sidhu head floating over a nearly dwarfed map of OC, brilliantly symbolizing a massive ego and the throw-weight of a lighter than air balloon. Well done!

3. The Bankrupt. More brilliant graphic design. There’s lotsa information here but it draws you in and tells you all you need to know about a first class sumbitch. A wonderful quote from a victim seals the deal. And the images are classic.

4. The Evil Hippy Elder Abuser. This one is actually pretty lame. The title alone hints that something stupid is on the way. But the nominating committee was captivated by the image of a dude who seems to be wearing beads!

La Fringe C’est Nous: Best Campaign Signs 2010

Holy Unadulterated Avatar of Octogenarian Jebus! Just check out these wonderful political signs! 2010 was a fun year for creative signage and if you don’t believe that, here are our nominees:

1. Bad Chi. Was there a better way to convey the sheer barfiness of food-poisoner Roland Chi? Nuh, uh. This sign symbolized the very essence de Chi. And in the international symbol that not even a non-English speaker could mistake.

2. Huh? This baby homemade sign with stick-on letters might have been engaging if anybody could read it and if they could figure out what in the hell it meant!

3. The Classic. Nothing succeeds like success, and the classic “NO “fill in the blank” Carpetbagger has become a standard – just like a Sinatra ballad. Doo-be-doo-be-doo.

4. The Riff. Union puppet. Effective but ultimately not even necessary.

5. Murder She Wrote! It might have been effective if not for the fact that the creator of these was the biggest job killer in Orange County!

6. The She Bear. Just play dead and maybe it will go away. The sign that launched a thousand thefts.

Well there you have it.

More Fringies: Wackiest Political Stooge O’ The Year

Oh, Ye Cruel Amethyst Plasticine Gods above! In a year full of wacky political campaigns this category just screams out “potential!”

Now, the Nominating Committee wasn’t interested in the typical collection of paid-to-blog courtesans that whore themselves as part of their quotidian life’s work: creeps like Dan Chomolungma and Matthew J. Cunningham. Oh, no no no!

This category embraces the brief shooting stars who, in their trajectories across the local political firmament, burn with an incandescent glow before vanishing into the irrelevance of lifelong mundane hackery. And by burn with an incandescent glow, I mean make utter jackasses out of themselves shamelessly bending over for cretinous political bosses. Here we find political ambition, lack of character, stupidity, and brainless tenacity sticking with people or ideals that weren’t worth sticking up for.

Motivation is not the sole factor in the category; comic spectacle is what we’re after, too.

And your nominees are:

Hey, nice shirt!

1. Thomas Anthony Gordon. This econo-size chowderhead popped up on a local blog attacking Shawn Nelson for being a defense lawyer and therefore soft on crime. Which was funny because Gordo had had his own brushes with the law!

Will work for food.

Since this goon lives in Santa Ana it wasn’t hard to surmise that he was working for somebody who had an interest in the 4th District campaign. At first we thought he was working for John Lewis and the Tom Daly Team. Well, maybe he was. But then he appeared as a petition circulator for Hairball Sidhu and we then knew whose payroll he was on.

Gordon even played victim card wackily claiming to have been intimidated by us for outing his tooling for Sidhu.

After we busted him for making anonymous comments on our blog he mercifully vanished from our radar screen.

A little man in a little crowd.

2. Little Billy Turner. ‘Lil Billy popped up last February at a Fullerton Tea Party event passing out fliers for Hairbag Sidhu. Unfortunately he ran into Chris Thompson to whom he admitted that Sidhu was going to lose and noted that he had tried to get in touch with Shawn Nelson. Not knowing that his attempted double-cross in search of a winning candidate would end up as blog fodder he passed along his name and address to Thompson.

We had some more fun with Billy over at Sidhu’s empty campaign headquarters, too.

Later, we were told that Little Billy had been ensconced in Sidhu Fake Address #2 so that it would appear lived in. And we were informed that Little Billy had also turned into a sign thief. That sure seems in character.

It didn’t seem to have occurred to Little Billy that getting an honest job in one of Sidhu’s Pollo Locos would be more honorable than working for such a creep’s bogus scampaigns; but then given his own propensity for double-dealing, maybe part-time jobs in politics is the only kind of work he will ever have, or ever want. There will always be ‘pugs looking for cheap labor so Billy may find employment once every couple of years.

Oh, well. If working for Sidhu doesn’t scare you straight, nothing can.

Find 4SD Observer. Then look for Waldo.

3. 4SD Observer. This sad Grendel-like creature emerged in 2010 to defend the indefensible – the serial miscreance of Pam Keller. 4SD withstood a systematic dismembering from the regs, continually coming back for more. There was no hypocritical, stupid, lying,  featherheaded thing that her Pam could say or do that could cause this devoted acolyte to cease soldiering on.

Hilariously, the series of quotations from The Manchurian Candidate by some of our Friends went zipping right over his/her head, every time. An irrational love for budget-busting public safety union members, hatred for Supervisor Shawn Nelson and a weird fixation on cooking harmless bunny rabbits sealed the deal.

In short, 4SD Observer was the quintessential intellectual face of the Keller years: sanctimonious, humorless, and confused; but mostly just brainwashed.

Fringie Alert: Most Embarrassing Political Endorsement of 2010

In the world of politics endorsements are held to be a big deal. A long list is supposed to be impressive, no matter the character (or lack of same) of the people on the list. And in Orange County there are plenty of elected officials whose names you would be a lot better off without. This obvious fact seems to have escaped many politicos whose background research on some of their endorsers is often lacking.

Conversely, whom one chooses to endorse is also a true reflection of one’s moral or intellectual fiber and backing a crook, an idiot, or an ass clown can cause some embarrassment.

Anyhoo, here’s your list, with a little commentary added:

You weren't using that $48,000, were you?

1. Brett Barbre. This embarrassing tool stole $48,000 of your money pretending to “study” an OC Sports Hall of Fame. He was aided and abetted by County Clerk Tom Daly whom he endorsed and to whom he contributed. But that’s not why he’s here.

No script? Boy am I pissed off!

2. Janet Nguyen. The semi-literate and wholly embarrassing County Supervisor whose communication skills are perfectly representative of her grasp of issues.


3. F. Richard Jones. Fullerton’s own crazy funny Doc Cracker Barrel, whose down home, lunatic ravings are only superseded by total ignorance of anything more complicated than a southern fried chicken wing.

You are becoming very sleepy...

4. Kurt Pringle. The pay-to-play, former Anaheim mayor for whom no string is to long or slack to pull. And man did he try to pull a slack string. Recently got busted by the AGs office for holding incompatible office, which he did for three years to promote his own client’s interests in Anaheim.

Time to call in a favor...

5. John Lewis. Former State Senator and chief OC repuglican who started out the 4th Supervisorial District race pimping out a Democrat. As a lobbyist you can bet that whomever he endorses will be expected to pay up, later.

6. CRA. The California Republican Assembly. A more worthless collection of losers and oddballs you will not find. Also, you can sign up as a member one month and vote to endorse your own family member the next! What a deal.

That's me. On the left.

7. Chriss Street. The County’s outgoing Treasurer who was recently busted by a judge for ripping off a company placed in his trust. His behavior was so egregious that the Board of Supervisors stripped him of his investment authority. He also got caught dodging County procurement rules so as to remodel his offices without any oversight. He also tried to get folks to believe he has an MBA from Stanford. He doesn’t.

Hey, jerkoff, whatever happened to Grandma's house?

8. John S. Williams. Public Administrator/Guardian currently being investigated by the Board of Supervisors for malfeasance. He’s supposed to be taking care of people’s estates. Looks like he’s been taking care of his own estate.

Mmm. Pizza.

9. Jeff Miller. State Assemblyman who was the recipient of Mike Duvall’s “open mike” chat and whose own dealings in an attempt to create a Corona public utility while on that city council had many Inland Emperors scratching their heads.

Wrap your hands around this...

10. Gary Miller. Yet another repuglican slimer in the US Congress. Redevelopment pimp and whore for Big Ed Roski, the biggest Redevelopment free loader in the State of California.

Gone. Almost forgotten.

11. Cynthia Coad. Former 4th District Supervisor and quite possibly the stupidest person in Orange County.

Richard Faher, tax fighter.

12. Richard Faher. Alleged “Placentia Taxpayer Advocate.” Now this guy’s just downright creepy, referring to himself in the third person. But his pathetic and weird clown-campaign brought one iridescent, shining jewel – the pronunciation of the 2nd District Supervisor’s name: John Moor-latch.

There's a whole big world outside my garage. The city manager told me so.

13. Rosie Espinosa. La Habra’s dim-witted councilmember whose grasp of policy ended with the use of her automatic garage door opener. Mean people likened her to a sack of rivets. Mean people were right.

Please stop using that picture.

14. Pam Keller. Fullerton’s outgoing council sweetheart, whose batting eye lashes and fake “I’m just a dumb girl” routine,…oh, wait. She is just a dumb girl.

Another innerleckshul for Jesus.

15. Alexandria Coronado. This dim-witted queer-basher who claims to be a doctor finally got her reckoning last June after faking endorsements and was thrown off the OC Board of Education.

Well, there’s fifteen names to choose from, but really, the potential list is virtually endless; there seems to be a dumb Dem and a crooked ‘pug on virtually every street corner peddling his or her dubious wares.

Who is the worst of the worst? Stay tuned…

The Fringies: Worst Political Candidate of The Year

Cherry-flavored, glow-in-the-dark, radioactive Jebus! Who could have supposed that 2009 could have been topped when it came to really awful and horrific political candidates? But it was. By 2010. And it wasn’t even close.

2009 brought us the spectacle of Chris Norby running for County Clerk to preserve our birth certificates from the silverfish; and the hideous Linda Ackerwoman, an Irvine claim-jumper whose appalling repuglican candidacy for State Assembly resembled a jail break though a swamp more than a political campaign.

Well, Hell! They were just getting us warmed up.

In the category Worst Political Campaign 2010 we roll out the following rogues gallery of nominees:

Soon you will feel the mighty wrath of Sidhu!

1. “Hairball” Harry Sidhu. A bozo who is so damn stupid his first 4th District Supervisorial campaign move of 2010 was to pretend to live in a roach-infested apartment next to a pool hall in west Anaheim so he could qualify to run. Of course the “mainstream media,” the repuglican ass-kissers, and our do-nothin’ DA ignored this flagrant perjury. But we didn’t. From there on out it was all downhill for Hairbag, including a second fake address, inchoherent statements, more carpetbagging, embarrassing press releases, all around assclownery, and two humiliating defeats. Arf!

You will soon be an object of ridicule...

2. Lorri “Lorraine” Galloway. Another Anaheim Hills denizen who created at least three fake abodes (2 illegal) to run for the same seat as Sidhu. Her manifest idiocies, including the unintentionally hilarious “Lorri in 4th gear” video series (and the now world-wide youtube sensation “Poor Bella”)  identified this brain-dead clothes horse as the utter lightweight she is. Her checkered past revealed all sorts of scams that would have made Elmer Gantry weep bitter tears of envy. Oh, Anaheim! I lift my leg on thee!

Ha, I still have two strikes left!

3. Roland Chi, a creep who by all appearances was run out of Garden Grove and took up shop in Fullerton. His disgusting grocery business was busted for serial health code violations in which numerous people were food-poisined, and he dodged prosecution by giving some of his precious bodily fluid to the DA. Meantime, in Fullerton he organized a political sign theft ring headed up by his own father, violated IRS rules by politically pimping a non-profit, and got a Korean church to illegally promote his campaign. Almost nobody was fooled by this sleazy slime-suck except the Fullerton Police and Fire Unions that recognized a kindred spirit, and that whole-heartedly endorsed his sleazoid scampaign.

Wow. What a year!

The 2010 Fringies Are Coming to Town; Let the Fun Begin

Yes, you earned it.

Yes, Dear Friends, it’s that time of the year when young bloggers’ thoughts turn to love – love of the sublimely ridiculous, of course. And so we will bring you the 2nd Annual Fringie Awards.

You don’t deserve the abuse that is coming your way. Oh wait. You elected Chief MC Pension and Don Bonehead for the umpteenth time. You deserve exactly what you’re going to get.

More Accolades For FFFF!

We're #7!

Just yesterday Friends For Fullerton’s Future received yet another award. Our own Joe Sipowicz received perhaps the highest honor an OC blogger can receive: listing as a scary blogger by the creeps over at a blog called Liberal OC. Okay, #7 ain’t #1, but Jebus H. Crisco, not bad for a guy who’s only been a member of our team for only about a year!

The set of low-lifes at OC Liberal’s sole reason for existing is to parrot Obama press releases, extol the virtues of Larry Agran’s criminal Irvine cartel, and support Democratic cretins like Loretta Sanchez and Lori Galloway. Recognition by these people as scary is indisputably high praise, indeed.

Here’s the fun entry:

7. Joe Sipowicz, FFFF — Joe, if that is in fact your name… Joe, is an angry
young man who, from comments and blog posts that carry his name, we have
ascertained works in a gunshop somewhere in Fullerton.  That in itself is
scary.  And five times a day, we think Joe lights votive candles and kneels down
to worship at the alter of Shawn Nelson.  Nelson signs up for the generous
pension; Joe says it’s OK because he never campaigned on what he’d do with his
own pension, only that of evil public employee unions.  Harry Sidhu is cleared
by the DA on any wrongdoing, Joe insists Harry is a perjurer but doesn’t say
squat about his own admin’s possible perjurious votes in recent elections
because he hasn’t updated his voter reg forms.  Want to send Joe over the edge?
Tell him Nelson is advocating for a 500% increase on taxes for bullet
purchases.  “Oh Shawn, I am not worthy to worship you, but only say the word,
and I shall blog about it…..”

Of course that bit at the end making fun of the Catholic Mass will no doubt enrage their RC boyfriend Matthew J. Cunningham, but you have to take chances when you are a cutting edge reporter like OC Liberal’s Dan Cherminowski.