Update 2: Colony Drivell is right. And so another Top Secret session of the nominating committee has been convened to authorize a post-post entry. See last, last image.
Update: Savage is right. And so a Top Secret session of the Nomination Committee has been convened to authorize a post-post entry. See last image.
Scanning backwards over the year the nominating judges have considered these pictures Fringie-worthy. I hope you agree.

1. The Assclown. What could possibly be better than this image of an ass and a clown co-joined for eternity. This picture of Hairball Sidhu shows the transmogrification of an ass into a clown. And now it belongs to the ages.

2. The Limousine Liberals. This was a perfect of top-down do-gooderism photo op: Loretta Sanchez and Lorraine Galloway slummin’ it up in what appears to be some sort of food drive. Enjoy the couture, the pearls and the expensive manicures. Who knew operating a charity paid so well?

3. The Head Injury. Proprietor of the Liberal OC blog (channeling the right-wing noise machine” as one wag puts it) Chris Prevatt excelled himself this past year for doing what he does best – lookin’ creepy. And we had a little fun with that.

4. Keller in the Hat. Poor Pam. Gone but not quite forgotten. This woman really likes to put on stupid hats and mug for the camera. And why not? Looking stupid is a perfect accompaniment to acting and talking stupid.

5. The Fake Abode #1. The beautiful Calabria Apartments beckoned to Hairbag Sidhu. A refrigerator was moved in, but not Sidhu. He registered to vote there, but never actually lived there. The pink stucco box behind the billiards sign was a perfect reflection of the greasy Sidhu hustle – cheap, fake, and ultimately comical.

6. Poor Bella. Somebody should have called the SPCA. Any creature, human or otherwise that is subjected to the vapid stupidity of Lorraine Galloway, the 58 year old teenybopper, has been abused. Arf!

7. Jurassic Park. This image of Fullerton’s ossified Mayor Pro Tem surfaced this year. No, Bankhead is the one wearing the necktie. The delicious irony of this picture is undeniable. And the site? Why, it’s at Hairbag Sidhu’s Elegant Yorba Estate, of course, far from the lowly 4th District he wanted to represent so badly.

8. The Cheap Cologne. Hide and Seek Sidhu met Pam Keller at the big Democrat Labor Day fest at the Santa Ana Zoo. It was love at first sight, a real meeting of the shallow and superficial. And proof that the best exhibits weren’t behind the bars.