Mickadeit Already Running Cover For Lame-O DA By Floating Trial Balloons?

Three days in the monkey cage left lingering damage...

Yesterday,  OC Register homunculus and repuglican lackey-chronicler Frank Mickadeit wrote up a story about possible contenders to a Todd Spitzer 3rd District Supervisorial run in 2012 – as a prelude to a Spitzer DA run in 2014.

The big names – outgoing assemblyman Chuck DeVore and Dick Ackerman deserve special attention, and we’ll get back to that in a bit.

But first let’s relish Mickadeit’s effort to stir up anti-Spitzer sentiment for the benefit of our Do Nothing DA who is actually endorsing serial law breaker Roland Chi in Fullerton’s city council race. As is well known, Mickadeit dances to the tunes fifed out by GOP bigwig Michael Schroeder and his wife, DAs spokeshole Susan Kang. In return for providing this entertainment Frank gets to smoke cigars and sip brandy with the Schroeders.

It seems not unlikely that besides the congenital name-dropping instinct, Frank is throwing out these big names as a counter to Spitzer’s own vaulting ambition, as in: not so fast Todd, boy.

Will nail down the Eagle Scout vote.

DeVore wouldn’t be a bad supervisor and might actually bring some refreshing relief to a County operation dedicated to doling out medical and social services compliments of the federal government. But he needs a job. Now.

Dick Ackerman? Well he does live in a “top secret, gated community” in the 3rd District which s a far cry from his claim to have moved to Fullerton last year so his old lady could run for the State Assembly. Apart from that he’s got some explaining to do. Such as the Pacific Policy Research Foundation scam we reported about here, years of RINO accommodating votes, his dubious behavior vis-a-vis the OC Fair sale. He’s also 70 and we sure have seen enough geriatric retirees at the County over the years.

My top-secret gated estate is in the right district. Now if only that white van would quit following me around.

Worst of all, is Ackerman’s perpetual backing of the worst kind of liberal, staff-stooge candidates here in Fullerton.Pro-Redevelopment, big government chuckleheads like Don Bankhead, Doc HeeHaw Jones, Pat McKinley, Aaron Gregg, and a long list of similar tools, simply selected to keep the scary Dems out – Democrats whose political philosophy is practically indistinguishable from Ackerman’s RINO herd.

The fun part of this is that either one of these worthies running would put a serious crimp in Der Pringle’s master plan of putting Orange’s dreary RINO Carolyn Cavecche into that seat.

The Sidhu Crew; The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight

I just changed the title to this piece. Checking out this band of government for sale repuglicans made me do it. Yes, it is an organized mob. Well, disorganized, at least. But look what they’ve got to work with.

– Joe Sipowicz

The other day The OC Register ran this image in a story about the Shawn Nelson/Hairbag Sidhu race. The story was erroneously titled “Nice Guy Finishes Second” or some such BS which as we know is not true. “Perjuring Carpetbagging Assclown Finishes Second” was the original title until the editor felt sorry for Hirsute Sidhu.

Anyhow, the picture above was absolutely priceless. Enjoy the facial expressions of Hairball’s election backers as the bad news flashes across the screen. John Lewis already seems to be scheming on how to shit-dump Sidhu; and Pringle, well Pringle’s thinking about all the personal credit he tied up into this bozo and how he can possibly ever recoup even a small part of that investment. The fellow behind the computer looks like he just had the Shrimp Special at Roland Chi’s place. The two guys on the left obviously wandered into the picture by accident from a Saturday Night Live skit.

But check out the grinning Assclown chowderhead Sidhu – oblivious to the electoral disaster! Good news is only just around the corner! I am #2!

Hide-and Seek Sidhu: Job Killer Extraordinare

Hide and Seek Hairball Sidhu keeps telling us he’s all about the jobs, jobs, jobs. But rather than just brush it off as campaign nonsense, let’s look at the reality of Sidhu in Anaheim as he danced for the nickels that Curt Pringle’s developer buddies tossed at him.

Those weren't nickels. Those were dimes!

First, let’s take an airborne look at a representative portion of the Platinum Triangle – where once existed a bustling industrial zone south of Katella Avenue, in Anaheim.

Here’s a photo from 2005. Take a look at all those cars, belonging to a bunch of once-employed members of Anaheim’s workforce.

Jobs, jobs, jobs, all over the place, right? Enter the so-called “Freedom Friendly” repuglican land use policies of Pringle and Sidhu:

Man, don't forget to put your green goggles on...

Today? A jobless hole in the ground surrounded by empty condos and chain link fences and faded signs asking our forgiveness for their construction dust.

Thanks Harry. How about an apology to all those businesses and employees you eradicated?

Mistakes were made, but there is nothing to be gained by dwelling on unfortunate nuclear incidents of the past...

Rodent Emerges From Hole

Those guys punched a big hole in my credibility!

I was just informed that in a Red County post my old punching bag Matthew J. Cunningham wrote a post about some jackoffs down in Mission Viejo. Why he cares about that is his own business, but in this post he threw out this precious and completely gratuitous nugget:

I realize that sounds juvenile and stupid, but that’s how these types think (kind of like how a Fullerton council candidate disliked by a gadfly faction there had a hole punched in his truck’s gas tank).

Okay, we gotta cut this piece of shit some slack. After all, we were the ones that pulled back the rancid curtain and exposed to OC Republicans the fact that their wordsmith was wordsmithing hard for $200 an hour on behalf of meathead Rob Reiner’s tax-and-redistribute, whole-village rearing Children and Families Commission.

And of course we nailed him for supporting the stillborn supervisorial campaign of Democrat and serial miscreant, Tom Daly.

Still, insinuating that FFFF had something to do with Kevlar Cueball’s gas tank puncture is pure chickenshit. And of course it is couched in all the craven wordsmithing words that will keep you out of court and maybe even avoid serious physical rebuke.

Cops Love us!

Well, some cops, anyway, and not in Fullerton!

That is bee-u-tee-ful.

It transpires that the police union in the beautiful and high-toned town of Santa Barbra are unhappy with their city manager. “Joe” sez you, “so what?”

A man discovers his true vocation...

Well, it turns out that the City Manager of Santa Barbara is none other than James L. Armstrong, who used to occupy that job description here in Fullerton. The union has discovered our humble blog and shared some of our history lessons.

Although this stuff occurred a few years before my time, this blog has had some great fun recounting the myriad disasters that occurred during the reign of King James I. Things like Redevelopment boondoggles, general unaccountability, high-handed behavior, and the sort of arrogant bullshit that is normally reserved for those who can pull of the Divine Right of Kings gig.

Nice trousers...

Here’s the post on the website, just in case you’re interested in enjoying the SBPD union’s take on their beloved leader.

Well, we got rid of him, at least.

Update – the link is broken. Here is a back up copy.

The Return of Hairball Sidhu

Well, it’s true. Ol’ Hairball really is cruisin’ for another ass whuppin’ courtesy of Supervisor Shawn Nelson. Our sources in Anaheim have received Hide and Seek mailings. His recycled signs from the June election have popped up, too – all faded and worn.

So here’s a re-post in honor of out favorite carpetbagging assclown. Enjoy the youtube clip and see if you can figure out what this idiot is talking about.

– Joe Sipowicz

We’ve been hearing some rumblings from the interior of late – from union controlled websites, mostly – that serial perjurer and carpetbagger Hide and Seek Harry Sidhu is actually contemplating yet another political drubbing this fall in the 4th District Supervisor’s race, his third electoral humiliation in two years.

But humiliation is not a concept that Sidhu easily grasps. He appears oblivious to his manifest assclowneries, obvious as they are to the rest of us. Here’s a reminder of the caliber of public servant that we’re dealing with.

Yes, sadly, the lame, ignorant and incomprehensible bozo must be deaf to the entreaties of his friends who tell him to retire to private life. Oh, that’s right. He has no friends. Just hangers on and political retainers eager to strip his wallet bare.

Hairball Sidhu MIA On Tax Vote; Oops, Too Late!

I will have one new tax, please!

On Tuesday the Anaheim City Council voted on a new tax increase and a new government bureaucracy. On a vote of 4-0 they approved a new ordinance to create and spend a 13% increase on their city’s transit occupancy tax to create a new “tourism improvement district.”

4-0, you ask? But surely there are five members on the Anaheim City Council, yes? Well, Hide and Seek Harry Sidhu, who aspires to be our 4th District county supervisor, wasn’t there. Where was he? At home in his Anaheim Hills (3rd District) estate?

He skipped out on the meeting, no doubt at the behest of his campaign manipulators John Lewis and Chris Jones who no doubt informed him that voting in favor of a tax during a political campaign would be political suicide. What a dilemma! Voting against a tax would make his puppet master, Anaheim’s mayor-for-hire Curt Pringle look bad; after all much of the new tax revenue is earmarked for the allegedly conservative Pringle’s fabulous ARTIC boondoggle. Better just to duck the whole thing.

But wait a just minute, Hairball fans. According to minutes of the July 27, 2010 Anaheim City Council meeting, Sidhu had already voted with the rest of the council on a formal resolution (2010-125) to create both the tax and the new bureaucracy. Ouch, indeed!

View the resolution

In other words, when he thought nobody was looking, Hide and Seek Sidhu voted for the tax increase; when the campaign spotlight shined a little brighter Sidhu cut and ran. But it was too late: the ever slippery Sidhu had already left his pro-tax, anti-business spoor trail. I can see the hit piece already.

Now let’s see Pringle and his stooges at the hilariously named OC Business Council spin this one for Sidhu.

Clown college tuition finally pays off...

The only question remaining in this election is how deep Sidhu’s assclownery can run. I have the feeling the answer is very.

Hairball Reveals All!

Assclown and Fast Food Clown. You decide which is which.

Today I got an e-mail from Hide And Seek Harry Sidhu “unveiling” a completely empty “economic plan” meant to suggest that Sidhu can grasp anything more complicated than a flame-broiled chicken. Here it is, hollow as a rotten log and undoubtedly crafted by a member of the team that at least has a grasp of the English language:

Harry Sidhu’s Action Plan for Economic Renewal
Creating Jobs
  • Reduce Government Bureaucracy—Streamline county operations to eliminate costly government red tape that prevents employers from hiring more workers.
  • Support Tax Relief—Lower the county’s excessive permit and business fees to help small businesses thrive and attract new companies to Orange County.
  • Encourage Investment—Support a reduction in capital gains taxes to increase private investment monies available for business expansion and new construction.
  • Expand Job Training—Create new apprenticeship and training partnerships with Orange County employers and universities to provide more opportunities for our youth.  Organize County Business Fairs to help local residents find jobs.
  • Support Local Businesses—Comprehensively review the County Economic Development Strategy.  Assist employers in finding new customer markets for their products and services.
  • Promote International Opportunities—Attract international trade and professional jobs by actively promoting Orange County as a preferred business destination for overseas firms.
  • Stop Lawsuit Abuse—Crack down on lawyers who file frivolous “class action” lawsuits.  These lawsuits cost taxpayers and small businesses millions of dollars every year.
Reforming County Government
  • No Pensions for County Politicians—Oppose government pensions for county politicians.  Harry has signed a binding pledge NOT to accept a pension as our County Supervisor.
  • Eliminate Wasteful Spending—Cut excessive salaries, travel and perks for county administrators.  Require performance audits for all county agencies to identify budget savings.
  • Reduce County Pension Debt—Support financial reforms to reduce unsustainable county pension debt.
  • Oppose Government BailoutsPublic dollars should NOT be used to reward private mismanagement!
  • No Tax Hikes—Harry has signed a “No Tax Increase” Pledge.  He believes North Orange County families are already paying too much.

As you can see, not a single specific item on the list. Just warmed-over campaign hash coughed up by his new campaign gouger, a John Lewis operative named Chris Jones.

When Hairball is done “supporting” a capital gains tax reduction (!) I’ve got to wonder how many jobs he will have created.

If you’ve ever seen a car wreck you know they always seem to appear to occur in slow motion. That’s Sidhu’s Crew to a T.

Testosterone-Challenged Hysteria of LiberalOC Reaches Ridiculous Crescendo

Or maybe Chris had a stranglehold on poor Dan’s nutsack. Hard to tell – there was so much distressed screaming, here.

It seems Dan Chmielewski took great affront (or, as is more likely, really pretended real hard) at 4th District Supervisor Shawn Nelson’s attempt to do something appreciative for US troops in battle zones – have folks send cigars over in honor of a couple of soldiers from OC who were killed in Afghanistan recently. It appears some soldiers really like to smoke a relaxing cigar.

Cue the hysterical emanations from Mr. PC.

Oh! The horror! Lung cancer (you don’t inhale cigar smoke, idiot), lip cancer, “moth” cancer, ovarian cancer, hungry children, wahhhhhhhhhh….

What a sad, pathetic excuse for a man.

Jesus H. these tools should just stick to regurgitating Voice of OC(EA) posts and call it a day.

Eeew. Hairball Soils Himself. Again.

If you pull my finger you may get a surprise...

Following the lead of the union lackeys at the completely fraudulent Voice of OC  and the even more pathetic clowns at the Liberal OC, Hide and Seek Harry Sidhu, Man of A Thousand Addresses, lobbed a spitball at his fall opponent, 4th District Supervisor, Shawn Nelson. No doubt egged on by handlers Nick “Bullhorn” Berardino and “I Need A High Speed Rail” Cut Pringle, Sidhu put out a press release today attacking Nelson’s supposed hypocrisy for signing up for a County pension while he also touted signing of some bogus anti-pension pledge of his own concoction.

Of course Hairball never bothered to inform anybody that all full-time government employees have to sign up for a retirement plan in lieu of Social Security, and that the County presented Nelson, like all employees with two options: the 2.7 @ 55 formula or the idiotic 1.62 @ 65 plan, Berardino’s lame project that passes for pension reform, but that just rewards oldtimers.

Oh no, not him again.

Sidhu also failed to inform his poor, afflicted newsletter recipients that he too signed up for the City of Anaheim’s truly option 2.7 @ 55 gig, as reported by Chip Hanlon at the Red County blog.

Bad boy, Harry. Bad, bad boy. Clean up on aisle one.