Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

The sands of time slip slower for some…

In California victims have rights, too. Unless the perps are cops, it seems.

The other day the defense team of three of the cops charged in the murder of Kelly Thomas asked for, and got a time extension on their own motion to dismiss. You can read about in the Register, here, if you don’t mind getting a bit nauseous.

It is now 17 months since Thomas was brutally beaten by six Fullerton cops and left in the Fullerton Transportation Center gutter to drown in his own blood as the six goons got their scratches band-aided.

The District Attorney sure doesn’t seem to be in any big hurry, either, which might make a cynical person question his real dedication to prosecuting these malefactors.

Have They Gone Too Far?

You would think that even a band of rogue cops with the recent history of malfeasance such as the FPOA brethren would recognize that publishing a wanted poster of your political opponents is crossing a line.

Damn straight. Wanted for re-election.

Well, I guess not. When you are willing to defend killers, robbers, pickpockets, liars, perjurers, incompetents of all kinds, property room thieves, sex perverts, and who knows what else, you’ll defend anything.


Reform? Who Jan Flory Really Wants to Work For

It sure as hell isn’t you. Or any other taxpayer or citizen. Nope. Here she is holding forth on who really matters to her. Her idea of ‘reform” is to place the interests of the City’s workers ahead of yours.

In an era of bloated salaries and, crippling pension burdens on the taxpayer and their great-great grandkids Jan Flory cares first and foremost about the plight of unionized government workers!

Did we put words in this dinosaur’s mouth? Nope. She did it all by herself.

Comment Highlight

Once in a while we here at FFFF like to pluck a particularly trenchant comment from a thread to give it the attention it deserves.

Here is a great comment from one of our readers who cuts to the chase about the crazy, spittle-flecked ravings of Jay Cicinelli’s step-father, John Huelsman, the other night. Huelsman is some demento who supposedly used to be a cop in Anaheim – a claim that is perfectly believable.

This Huelsman character is clearly bonkers. But his twisted argument has been appearing on these pages from FPD cop trolls since the summer of 2011.

Enjoy some clarity of thought:

#192 by Finally, Justice for Kelly on September 22, 2012

With regard to Huelsman, I have to say I find this specimen to be all too typical of police intelligence.

First he confuses “the court system” to be somehow connected to Kelly Thomas, conveniently overlooking the awkward fact that his out-of-control son-in-law acted as judge, jury and executioner on the night of 7/5/11. And this is the whole point of the public outrage: Kelly was denied justice thanks to the Fullerton Six. He is dead. The justice system has no bearing on Kelly.

The justice system however, does have Cicinelli in its clutches, although woefully undercharged by our pathetic DA. And the court of public opinion has and will continue to condemn a Culture of Corruption that has festered in the FPD. Flory can deny it. Hughes can deny it. Quirk can deny it. Goodrich, Coffman and Gennaco can deny it. The cowards left and right can deny it. But we know the truth.

And the truth will set us free; it will not however, set Wolfe, Ramos or Cicinelli free.

Baxter Gets It Right

Here is a fun image I just harvested from the Orange Juice blog, apparently the creation of local liberal activist Stephan Baxter who has gotten it into his noggin that Fullerton politicians should be held accountable for their actions (or to be more precise, their inaction) in the wake of the Kelly Thomas murder at the hands of members of the FPD. Funny the ideas some folks have.

Even more disturbing to some, Baxter doesn’t seem to care that the object of his scorn happens to be an old Democrat war horse named Jan Flory. who really loves the FPD.