We Get (Hate) Mail

Reading it again won't help!

Here’s an e-mail communication we received recently:

Subject: this webpage

your website is atrocious, biggoted and as a former Fullerton resident, who spent my entire childhood there, you have distroyed my once fond memories of that time.  I will never go back there and sadly, I see only continued decline and chaos there, if the town leaders are all like you and your moronic followers.  Get a life….you horrible biggots.  I am a Republican and ashamed of YOU!

Apparently we have somehow shattered this poor communicant’s idyllic reveries of growing up in Fullerton. Ah! Childhood Lost.

But bigoted? Bigoted against incompetent buffoons? Well, then, guilty, as charged.

Newsflash: we are not the ones who used Redevelopment to reward campaign contributors and overbuild the city; nor did we permit the Fullerton Police Department to run amok, committing every sort of crime from theft to  murder. We didn’t rip off water rate payers with an illegal 10% tax year after year to pay for our own bloated pensions. Continued chaos and decline is inevitable if the Three Blind Mice stay in office.

The pathetically ironic admonition to “get a life” is, of course de riguer. And it sort of spoils the otherwise kooky bathos of the note.

Oops! We Did it Again!

Yes, Friends, Friends for Fullerton’s Future has been named Best Blog 2011 by our admirers at The OC Weekly. And what’s not to admire? We tell it like we see it. We insult the Hell out of people, but we don’t make stuff up and we’re going to keep at it until Fullerton gets political representation free from union hackery, corporate welfarism, and all-round general brain deadness.

And thanks to you Friends for sticking with us as we expose things that need to be exposed.


From  the “John and Ken” webpage at the KFI website (photo caption by me):


See no evil, hear no evil, speak evil...

Recall Councilman Pat McKinley, Mayor Pro Tem Don Bankhead, and Mayor ‘Dick’ Jones! These three idiot city council officials need to be held accountable for letting the Fullerton Police Department become a cesspool of corruption, full of rogue cops who murdered Kelly Thomas.

Give them the political death penalty and remove them from office!

Location:Fullerton along Highland Ave., between Amerige and Commonwealth

We will be there Wednesday, October 5 from 3-7 PM with recall petitions for you to sign!

Show up, sign a petition and stay for the show! Only Fullerton registered voters can sign the petition, but everyone is welcome to come.

Fullerton residents wishing to sign the petition or gather signatures can learn more at www.fullertonrecall.com.

Click HERE to watch Pat McKinley defend the policemen on CNN!


Here are some wonderful thoughts by frequent commenter “Jt” who reacts to a typical threatening comment made by a self-professed law enforcement employee. This employee seems to think he is entitled to unconditional love and respect from his employer (us) and that lack of said respect may very well result in what can only be construed as the same sort of physical rebuke visited upon Kelly Thomas by the FPD.

Understanding this attitude is important to understanding the mentality of the bad cop, a world-view enabled by pliant politicians controlled by aggressive police unions.

Jt responds:

You’ve said a lot of stuff on this board, a lot of it true, some false, some thought-provoking, some reasonable, some not. I thank you because you have helped me understand the mindset of contemporary police officers in this region, and that has been truly valuable.

There is one thing in your post though I really want to address. This is for me the essential issue here. it is the issue of whether the police deserve or should feel as if they require citizens to be “respectful”, and what the consequences should be if they are not.

For me, this is what this case, and the Mam, Quinonez and other soon-to-be known cases of FPD abuse are all about.

Let me just put this out there. Disrespect of a LEO is not itself a crime. It is NEVER a valid excuse for any of the following: assault, false arrest, perjury, murder.

But that is what we are seeing in case after case. Officers who feel “disrespected” fly off the handle, lose it, manhandle the citizenry, arrest them on bogus charges, and commit perjury about these cases.

Look at the Quinonez case. Dude’s Dad was killed by police. Clearly he has issues with them because of that. Walks by Kenton Hampton, sees him busting somebody, says something about “cops killed my dad.” Hampton sees this as “disrespect”, smacks him into a wall and arrests him for being drunk in public despite Quinonez having 0.00 blood alcohol level.

No. This will not stand. We have the right to disrespect each other without being beaten or falsely arrested for it. You can disrespect me, and I can disrespect you. Being a cop doesn’t make you special, and it doesn’t entitle you to respectful treatment from every person at all times. If I am clearly threatening bodily harm to you during an encounter, by all means use force if necessary to subdue me and take me in (though kindly stop when I am subdued rather than just beating me for the fun of it, but that’s a separate issue). If I am rather just mouthy, disrespectful, and contempuous of your authority, you know what? Too bad. That is not a crime.

It is a new era. The citizenry is increasingly well-informed, well armed with cameras and ready to use them, and ready to disseminate information about bad policing at a moment’s notice. We will exchange information, we will show up at City council, we wil publicize you, and we will call for investigations of EACH AND EVERY incident of police brutality or misconduct we witness or hear about.

Being a cop is NOT like being in a gang where you are entitled to respect. Being a cop means you work for the citizenry. They have every right in the world to disrespect you. A lot more disrespect is coming your way soon. The cop mentality of “don’t you dare disrespect me” is a relic of the past which will only lead to lawsuits and citizen revolts ala Fullerton. And we’re not even close to being done with this department yet.

Cops – do not think that the public must fear and respect you. Do your job, do it politely and professionally, and understand that RESPECT IS EARNED. If you can maintain a calm and professional aspect even as I flip you off, you may actually earn that respect.

There will come a day when I can walk right up to a cop and politely tell him to fuck off and he will know that there is absolutely nothing he can or should do about it. That I am just expressing my first amendment rights, and those rights are far more important than his fragile ego or sense of self-worth related to his position of power and authority.

Any cop who does not understand this will be forced out of public service. The citizenry will no longer tolerate public servants who think they exist on some higher strata above the citizenry. If you cannot deal with this Reality, you must find a line of work in which you do not profess to “protect and serve.” “Protecting and serving” require humility and an ability to endure the disrespect of those for whom you serve.


Protect Fullerton From Me? How About Protecting Fullerton From Its Own Police Department!

Hoo Boy! This attempt to smear ‘lil ol’ me is so stupid I just have to share it with the Friends. I have no idea why this nincompoop James Alexander thinks dodging the real issues of the recall will be an effective strategy, but I am happy to share this. Just one more example of Bankhead, Jones, and McKinley dodging personal accountability for their own public records. Well, they can dodge, but they can’t hide.

We Get Mail: Oooooh, A Threat!

Uh, oh! Some semi-literate chucklehead is not happy with FFFF! We received an e-mail from an under-educated police apologist who wishes that we would turn our attention from the Fullerton Police Department record of bogus traffic tickets, theft, drug-abuse, credit card fraud, kidnapping, kidnapping and sexual battery, kidnapping, abetting suicide in the city jail, and, of course, the Kelly Thomas homicide; and instead focus on “what the fullerton police does (sic) for you to keep you and your fellow fullerton citizens safe.”

Safe, huh? Safe from what? The greatest threat to our “fellow Fullerton citizens” these days seems to come from the FPD itself.

Anyway, enjoy the amusing version of “The Truth” as penned by some poor, high school drop-out:

Trying harder to think just isn't going to help!

Privacy: You may publish this, but protect my identity

Subject: The Truth.

Dear Whatever bastard is running this blog,
Whoever you are you have no idea what the fullerton police does for you to keep you and your fellow fullerton citizens safe. You and your and other sons of bitches have warped the Kelly Thomas “murder” into a wormhole of un-needed conflicts and issues. And then when i thought that you guys could not steep lower than that you verbally attack and threaten the officers and thier families, what nerve do you have. How would you like it if I threatened the safety and well-being of you and/or your family.

Just Remeber…….How Would You Like It?

Oh, yes we will “Remeber” the next time we and our and other sons of bitches “steep” even lower.


One of the Bastards Running This Blog

Peer into The Thought Process of the FPOA

UPDATE: Here is a post from waaaay back in November, 2010 about how our police union leaders view the political process and their ability to manipulate it to their own advantage. Of course the egregious Andrew Goodrich figures prominently in our post. Be sure to read the last sentence!

Just in case you thought there was any doubt that public service might not be the number one priority of Fullerton’s boys in blue, take a look at the document below, a veritable “how-to” article on political influence written in 2003 by FPD PIO and union front-man, Andrew Goodrich.

See, it’s all about how to leverage your members dues to create a political machine and get what’s coming to you. Actually it’s about defining what’s coming to you and getting a subservient collection of clowns you elect to go along for the ride.

Read “The Value of Political Involvement” (pdf)

I especially enjoyed Goodrich bragging about batting one thousand. The record looked great in 2003, but then the wheels started coming off the squad car. Chris Norby and Shawn Nelson jumped ship PDQ (although Norby stayed on the Police Reservation long enough to vote for the obscene 3@50 deal in 2001, thanks Norby). The pitiful police-backed pipsqueak Mike Clesceri was tossed out in 2004 after a mere one term; and ditto the equally useless Leland Wilson who was just a bad memory by 2006.

In 2010 the union backed a geriatric of dubious mental competency, a poster boy for pension abuse, and a guy who dodged criminal responsibility by giving his DNA to the DA. Hey two outta three ain’t bad – for them. For the rest of us? Not so good!

Bringing shop floor militancy to a police force near you...

And here’s a little bit more about Mr. Goodrich: promoted to “Community Services bureau leader – and police public information officer” last January as chronicled by Barbara Giasone:


Goodrich also signed the May 3, 2010 MOU on behalf of the FPOA, along with Barry Coffman and Robert Kirk.

And just in case you feel your tax dollars that pay for 3@50, etc. are insufficient thanks to the police for all they do you can always help out some more. Here’s a solicitation we received from the FPOA just yesterday. Your gift is supposed to go to FPOA “community outreach” but IS NOT tax deductible. Hmm. You get a decal of a police badge.

In closing I really feel compelled to wonder whether or not any of the three worthy gentlemen named above have been posting comments on our blog.

Kelly Thomas Medical Records To Be Released









We have learned from Ron Thomas, father of Kelly Thomas, that the medical records of his son who was beaten to death by six Fullerton cops, will be released tomorrow. Thomas’ lawyer, Garo Mardirossian, will present the medical facts of the case plus additional forensic analysis to the media at his offices in Los Angeles at 11:00 AM.

FFFF will be there to record the entire event.

The Security Camera Win-Win. Prescient Irony From FPD!

Watch this discussion from a few years back about adding surveillance cameras in the Fullerton Transportation Center. Of course the FPD captain is overjoyed at having another opportunity to make things safer. Be sure to view all the way to the end where you can enjoy Doc Dick holding forth on the issue of public safety.

Too Fun! I Am Not A Terrorist!

No I do not semble that remark...

Had a fun e-mail sent in today from some guy named “ray.” Writes ray:

Subject: Boshala

You act like a member of Hamas trying to control the Gaza Strip. You want to control Fullerton for the benefit of your company

I realize a lot of folks check under their beds at night for Arab terrorists, but c’mon, ray. Really?