Sure We’re Mad. But Are We Terrorists? Really?

We get lots of mail. Here’s a tasty tidbit of misplaced anger at our efforts here at FFFF.

Subject: Promoting Civil Unrest

Tony Bushala

Your CNN Interview says it all! Personal Accountability is a must and it does not fall only upon our City Officials.  It also applies to YOU and your staff.  To go on national news, distort facts, and fill in the blanks on what you perceive to be the truth promotes an atmosphere of distrust and civil unrest.  What you call your mission contradicts your own actions.  Your predictions, along with many, is perhaps a self fulfilling prophecy

Those officers who may have gone out of line will be held accountable.  If you were a police officer (which would be impossible) and working in Fullerton that night, you would be on Administrative Leave now after being prematurely accused – meaning without ALL facts known.  Councilman McKinnley was correct when he said that it would not be possible for six officers to use force all at the same time.  The truth will most certainly come out.

Those previous incidents involving police misconduct have been dealt with and those officers were held accountable.

You promote the video tap of the Fullerton Incident to be shown to the public, yet you admit that showing such incidents have the potential to create civil unrest.  If that is the case, you advocate a good riot for the sake of irresponsible transparency for the citizens of Fullerton?

For the sake of all of your followers lets look at your agenda, which is for the most part, promoting TERRORISM – Accomplishing your mission “Accountability” through “Fear” – potential civil unrest.

I would be more that willing to debate you on this issue.  I challenge you to respond and I will be happy to verbally engage with you.


Well, “Jim” I accept your challenge to “verbally engage with you.” Please call up CNN and make the arrangements. I am so there.

Sponsor the Recall With Your Signature Today!

Thank you, everyone. As of 2:50 pm, we have more than enough signatures to get the recall started today.


We have completed the drafting of “Notice of Intent to Circulate Recall Petition” for Pat McKinley, Don Bankhead and Dick Jones.  We need to gather 20 signatures of FULLERTON RESIDENTS WHO ARE CURRENTLY REGISTERED TO VOTE IN FULLERTON for all 3 notices THIS AFTERNOON.

If you would like to be one of the proud “sponsors” of these initiatives, please come by my office between NOON and 3:00 PM today.

These signatures must be collected in a matter of a few hours.

We will need your current, legal Fullerton residence address, your legal name and your signature.  We will be confirming your voter registration in real time as you come to sign.  Again, please do not jeopardize the legality of these documents by asking to sign if you are not a legal resident of Fullerton and registered to vote IN FULLERTON!

Thanks for helping us in this historic Fullerton event.

Directions to Bushala Brothers, Inc.

Joe Felz In Wonderland?

This won't turn out well...

A quick trip to Fullerton Stories reveals a statement by Fullerton City Manager Joe Felz that claims the City never made any “settlement offer” to the family of killer cops victim Kelly Thomas, who was brutally bludgeoned to death by six members of Felz’s police department on July 5th.

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”

This is just about the shabbiest deception the City has tried yet; verbal hairsplitting to try to dodge the fact that your scumbag lawyer Bruce Praet presented “unofficial” proposals (oh, no not a “settlement,” that can only be authorized by the Council) to the family of the victim. Well, goddam, that’s a distinction without a difference! Felz, shame on you for running this turd up the flagpole, and shame on some stooge named Davis Barber at Fullerton Stories for accepting and propagating this ludicrous trash as pertinent to anything. Maybe now Felz thinks no one will we be inclined to ask who was responsible for authorizing Praet to contact the family in the first place. Was it you, Joe? Or did you even know about it?

Probably the worst part is the not-so-subtle insinuation that Ron Thomas, Kelly’s dad has been intentionally misleading the public.

Soon there will be nothing but a grotesque smile...

Up until now I was willing to give Felz the benefit of the doubt – that he was just some poor former museum director dufus in waaaaaay over his head. Now it would appear that he was either completely out of the loop (bad) or, complicit in a nasty plot to discredit the Thomas family (worse) and protect the assess of some crooked cops.

He needs to go, too. Now.


Kelly Thomas, The Drifter

Kelly in downtown Fullerton

About 28 years ago, I had just finished building a 20 unit luxury apartment complex here in Fullerton. Interest rates were around 22.5% and at 23 years old I had more pressure put on me than most 50-year-olds ever have.  After I completed my project I decided to take a vacation.

But it was no ordinary vacation. I decided to go drifting.

I packed a bag and got a ride to the 91 freeway at Beach Blvd. Off I went.

Drifting is a way of life for many who choose to live on the streets. Kelly Thomas was a drifter, even though he had many places that he could stay, he chose to live on the streets. At his funeral, I witnessed his many friends and family that told me he always had a place to stay if he wanted. But he insisted on living outdoors with his own convictions.

I met many drifters during my six month journey around the West Coast, but the one thing I remember enjoying the most was not having any responsibilities and being accountable to no one but myself.

It’s easy for me to relate to Kelly Thomas’ life. I believe he was his own person, and he chose to drift from place to place.

Rest in Peace, Kelly Thomas.


A Public Comment to the General Plan Advisory Committee By Judith Kaluzny

I ask that you remove the reference to a Business Improvement District from your draft of a general plan.  I understand the mention is to “encourage” a business improvement district.  A business improvement district is a tax on businesses, collected as a property tax by the county tax assessor, in a defined area.  It can be based on property ownership–and the owners pass the costs along to their tenants; or on individual businesses in the district.

This is found in the codes of the State of California in the Streets and Highways code.  Thing is, a city can assist a BID ONLY AFTER the business people on their own form a group, plan the boundaries, get a petition signed to ask for having a BID.  A BID is NOT for paying for regular maintenance of an area, but for improvements.  An executive director will be hired, and a board of directors elected–another level of government and taxation for your small downtown businesses in this case.

The redevelopment department, inappropriately, has already tried that for $3,000 paid to a consultant and a balance in the accounts for another $27,000 for that consultant.  Four meetings were held; I attended all, as did Cameron Irons and Mr. Terranova.  Only at the last meeting did about five other business owners attend.  And I had handed out many fliers to alert downtown businesses.

A year or two before that, Cameron Irons sent out a survey to downtown property owners regarding a BID.  He gave me copies of the 12 or 14 replies.  All were against it, but two said, if you are going to have it, we will participate.

The Nicole Coats had a meeting or two to gin up support for a BID.  The two people (me and Henry Jones) who indicated willingness to participate were not invited.  Those meeting with Nicole Coats–Cameron Irons, Terranova, Theresa Harvey, and two or three more chose the consultant.  Paul Dunlap said he was invited, but declined to participate.

The idea of a BID for downtown arose when Councilmember Quirk asked if there wasn’t some way to get money for paying for the costs of maintaining downtown.  Redevelopment Director Zur Schmeide told her that a business improvement district might be a way.

When the consultant was hired, I talked to both the city manager and Councilmember Quirk.  Mr Meyer said, “we have an eight block area that is costing us over million and a half dollars a year.  We have to do something.” Councilmember Quirk also spoke of a BID paying for the excess costs of maintaining the restaurant overlay district.

This is not the appropriate use or purpose of a BID! And it is by law supposed to arise from the grass roots business people, not top down from the city to get tax money for maintenance.

What I see happening is that if a BID were established for downtown, the only people who would have time or interest to serve on the board of directors will be restaurant/bar owners.  Then they will vote to spend the taxes raised for maintenance so the city will not be so burdened by the bar district.  (Which burden the city council created by abolishing CUPs for restaurants downtown.)

The Downtown Fullerton Restaurant Association is a non profit listed as c/o Cameron Irons, 118 North State College Boulevard, same address as Vanguard Investment Properties.