Did Fullerton’s Yellowing Observers Cost Doug Chaffee the Election?

The fourth drink made me do it!

Well, technically it’s not over yet. But the trend since election day is going the wrong way for Doug Chaffee. In second place on election day and looking good for the second council opening, Chaffee has seen his slim lead shrink and then disappear in the ensuing days.

Which leads me to reflect upon Fullerton’s liberal clique, and the choices it makes. You will recall that in 2008 the Fullerton Observer endorsed the egregious Doc Heehaw, who came in ahead of dyed-in-the-wool liberal, Karen Haluza. Sure, you you remember. We wrote about it, here.

And this year? We posted a piece about how ex-Police Chief and astronomical pension-puller-downer Pat McKinley was getting support from some of Fullerton’s most prominent lefties, most notably Jan Flory and Molly McClanahan.

I'm a trustee. You can always trust me.

I visited the Fullerton Observer website and noticed that according to to its editor, second place support by the herd of Yellowing Observers was split between McKinley and Jesse la Tour! Could support for the hand-picked boy of Ed Royce and Dick Ackerman, a career cop, really have been that high among the hardest core Observers? Is Ralph Kennedy rolling over in his urn?

Of course Sharon Kennedy will blame out-of-town money used to hit Chaffee. But how many of Fullerton left-leaning tribe are starting to regret their second vote?

Another Nail in Pringle’s High Speed Rail Coffin?

Always get your picture taken in front of a flag. They won't notice your hand in their pocket.

The Voice of OC is reporting that the Feds are finally getting tired of Anaheim Soon-to-be-ex-Mayor-for-Hire Curt Pringle’s misdirection of High Speed Rail priorities to feather his own Anaheim nest.

It appears that the Feds have suddenly realized that they require that the initial track be laid in the Central Valley – not in a stretch of territory already covered by existing rail and commuter lines, and where a high speed rail line makes virtually no sense.

Good to see the US Gov’t get one right.

In other news, the HSR hired a former Parsons Brinkerhoff executive to be project manager. Hmm. That’s a tentacle that may need to be lopped off.

Gee, we told it to stop.

And finally, more good news: the new Guv is said to intensely dislike Pringle’s HSR shennanigans.We know he got our letter.

So maybe soon Pringle will be off the HSR board althogether. And that would make for an early Christmas.

More Accolades For FFFF!

We're #7!

Just yesterday Friends For Fullerton’s Future received yet another award. Our own Joe Sipowicz received perhaps the highest honor an OC blogger can receive: listing as a scary blogger by the creeps over at a blog called Liberal OC. Okay, #7 ain’t #1, but Jebus H. Crisco, not bad for a guy who’s only been a member of our team for only about a year!

The set of low-lifes at OC Liberal’s sole reason for existing is to parrot Obama press releases, extol the virtues of Larry Agran’s criminal Irvine cartel, and support Democratic cretins like Loretta Sanchez and Lori Galloway. Recognition by these people as scary is indisputably high praise, indeed.

Here’s the fun entry:

7. Joe Sipowicz, FFFF — Joe, if that is in fact your name… Joe, is an angry
young man who, from comments and blog posts that carry his name, we have
ascertained works in a gunshop somewhere in Fullerton.  That in itself is
scary.  And five times a day, we think Joe lights votive candles and kneels down
to worship at the alter of Shawn Nelson.  Nelson signs up for the generous
pension; Joe says it’s OK because he never campaigned on what he’d do with his
own pension, only that of evil public employee unions.  Harry Sidhu is cleared
by the DA on any wrongdoing, Joe insists Harry is a perjurer but doesn’t say
squat about his own admin’s possible perjurious votes in recent elections
because he hasn’t updated his voter reg forms.  Want to send Joe over the edge?
Tell him Nelson is advocating for a 500% increase on taxes for bullet
purchases.  “Oh Shawn, I am not worthy to worship you, but only say the word,
and I shall blog about it…..”

Of course that bit at the end making fun of the Catholic Mass will no doubt enrage their RC boyfriend Matthew J. Cunningham, but you have to take chances when you are a cutting edge reporter like OC Liberal’s Dan Cherminowski.

Pringle Gets Dangling Appendage in Wringer. Again.

The LA Times is after poor Curt Pringle again. It seems he represents all sorts of people up and down the state who have major interest, one way or another, in the California High Speed Rail boondoggle.

Check out the Boy Scout response: Gosh, gee whiz, I didn’t know. Thanks for bringing that to my attention!

You are becoming very sleazy...

For a while now we have shared stories about the manifest sleazes of Anaheim’s Mayor-for-Hire, Pringle, the worst repuglican in the County, who has his dipstick stuck into just about every conceivable honey pot, and a man whose only political principles come with a price tag affixed.

We finally got sick of watching Herr Pay to Play shove his bogus pork and kickback laden High Speed Rail project into California. When our boss discovered a legislative opinion that both HSR Boardmembers Pringle and Richard Katz held “incompatible offices” he reported this fact to the Attorney General.

Knee pads optional...

Only last week tales of unreported foreign trips by Pringle emerged once again. Although we had already shared that story, here, it seems that nobody in the HSR enterprise was keeping track of who was going where. The idea of shipping jobs overseas didn’t seem to bother Der Pringler. Well,what the Hell, France and Germany have unemployment problems, too, right? Even worse, it slipped out that the HSR’s army of consultants and camp followers were getting gifts, too. Lots of them, apparently.

'Tam. Smell that smell...

Well, as they say, the fish rots from the head.

And now that the election is upon us and Pringle’s rancid days as an elected official and an OCTA board member are coming to an end, it’s time to do whatever we can to kick this creep off the HSR board and then to kill the greatest boondoggle in the history of California.

Dereliction of Duty. The Case of the Missing Media.

The only reason FFFF sprang into existence was because the people who pretended to be professional reporters stubbornly and steadfastly refused to do their jobs.

Their jobs. The jobs to which they accrete a professional aura, a sanctimony, self-righteousness, and institutional importance that demands as a concomitant an objectivity that is exercised in the public interest.

Of course all that stuff is pure bullshit. Oh, yeah, these people want to be treated as if they actually performed a function that allows them to claim an official title: “Fourth Estate.” But in reality their work is almost never objective, never diligent, and often downright incompetent. And the closer you get to tour own community the worse it gets.

The Great Unwind.

But back to FFFF. We started in the fall of 2008 because F. Richard Jones, the Braying Donkey of Raymond Hills, the man for whom no issue could not be used to spin off, dervish-like, on an insane rant, was getting a free pass. Twelve years of insulting people from the dais, weird, barnyard rantings and raving, backtracking on key issues, and generally insulting the collective intelligence of the City was ignored.

And this being Fullerton very little has changed. Consider 2010.

The chicken was ready for plucking.

Does “the press” inquire into how candidate Roland Chi got rung up on criminal charges by the DA for serially ignoring health inspection failures? Or ask why he is using a 501(c)(3) to prmote his political ambitions? Or even ask this miscreant how long he has actually lived in Fullerton?

Hey, that vest was not designed on company time.

Does “the press” ask Pat McKinley about his $215,000 pension payout – far more than he ever made actually working – and his ability to make rational pension decisions?

Aw, Hell. Close enough.

Does “the press” ask Aaron Gregg why a guy who skipped out on $75,000 in back taxes and stiffed local creditors though bankruptcy is qualified to manage the city’s $100,000,000+ budget?

The Mayor's Prayer Breakfast took longer than anticipated...

Does “the press” inquire into what appears to be Don Bankhead’s increasingly diminished capacity to participate in, let alone conduct, a public hearing?

Of course our local reporters never said boo about the carpetbaggery of Hirsute Sidho or Linda Ackerman, either.

For some reason people who work for the Times and the Register would rather look the other way than admit that the emperors have no clothes on. What are they afraid of?

And so we soldier on…

Amazing Grace And the Amazing Sinking Chi.

As I was motoring down Highland Avenue the other day, I spied this sight in the 200 N. block.

Uh, oh! A church proudly displaying a Roland Chi sign. Somebody needs to inform this operation that the IRS doesn’t allow non-profits to promote political candidates, and not only that, but it really looks bad when churches do it.

Of course the idea of using a non-profit to promote his political ambition is nothing new for Roland Chi, it’s pretty risky for a church to jeopardize its standing with the IRS. What’s next for “Amazing Grace Methodist Church?” Can anybody say “property taxes?”

FFFF = Best Blog in OC

Look no farther...

Okay, this isn’t really news anymore, but what the Hell.

In its annual “Best Of OC” edition, the magisterial and terribly proper OC Weekly named us as Best Blog 2010. Or something like that. You can read about it here, and then shower us with praise; or heap abuse upon us – as many of our FPOA and Sidhu campaign worker readers are won’t to do.

Yes, we are referred to as juvenile name callers. Guilty as charged. But boring? No, that title belongs to the tiresome party-run running dog blogs that have nothing to say except what their uber-bosses tell them is kosher.

Out here on the Fringe the air is rarefied, and sometimes we get a little dizzy. But we ever soldier on, bringing you the Truth. As we see it, anyway.