How About An Alternative to Ed Royce?

I'm gonna need all the friends I can get.

For years now various members of this blog have railed against Congressman-for-Life Ed Royce and the way he has worked hard to stick Fullerton with the most useless, imbecilic repuglican drones he can scrounge up. Idiots, young and old; especially old: geezers who pose no political threat to anybody and who could be relied upon to oppose potential Democrat challengers of Royce himself.

Royce has never given a damn that he helped foist upon his hometown a biblical succession of big government RINOs whose only distinction from the Democrats he fears so much is party affiliation.

But Royce’s chickens are finally coming home to roost with revelation after revelation of malfeasance and mismanagement of the Fullerton Police Department that was supposed to be overseen by the very drones he has supported year after dismal year. Of course Pat McKinley, Royce’s latest political project, is now the poster boy for FPD corruption.

Well, I’m sick and tired of Royce meddling in Fullerton politics to the detriment of the City. The results have been absolutely disastrous for the citizens of our town, and it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Fortunately we have a recall in process to clean out Ed’s stable.

Sign the recall petition today.

And thanks to redistricting we also have the opportunity to rid ourselves of Ed himself. In the game of Congressional musical chairs Royce finds himself looking for the same seat as Gary Miller of Diamond Bar.

How do I get rid of this thing?

So how about a third choice? Are the pickings so slim in north Orange County that we can find at least one candidate who doesn’t have the triple albatross of Jones, Bankhead and McKinley around his neck?

Don Bankhead Spotted Awake at a Board Meeting!

By Joey Cadavid

On September 21 at 5:30 pm I showed up to the Municipal Water Board meeting because I got a tip that Don Bankhead was on the board and public comments could be made. I could not turn down this kind of opportunity so I drove down to Fountain Valley to attend the meeting. I stepped in and everyone was in business attire with notepads going about their business.The first thing I noticed was that Don seemed very different here then he did at city council meetings, he had a certain quality: he was jovial, he was talkative. He even went as far as to stay awake for the whole thing!  I turned my card in to speak a bit late but they let me anyway, however once I stepped up to the podium and began to speak the chairman’s sense of democratic freedom of speech made a complete 180.

I said plainly that I did not know much about water business but I did know something about leadership, I proceeded to tell them about Don’s disappointing silence and lack of leadership in his own town where he was being recalled. I also mentioned his attack on lawful citizens acting lawfully to try to recall him and him trying to stop them illegally. While people weren’t vocal I did notice that less were looking down at their notepads and up in interest.

Unfortunately my time was cut short, being allowed to speak for only a minute of my allotted three minutes. Apparently having a lethargic,incompetent, untrustworthy sham of a councilman on your own board, who’s only action was to sit on his hands and wait for permission to lead in the face of an emergency is not important business.

Also Bankhead was allowed to defend himself which he did by saying on record ” Today the district attorney has finally released  his uh, uh, opinions… believe me for any of you who know me it is very difficult to keep my mouth shut, … we sat there and did what the attorney told us to do. He’s criticizing because of that so I want him and everyone else to know my mouth is no longer shut… gentlemen like this here will have no reason or justification to make accusations.”

The chairmen did not give me anymore time but I did not leave until I informed the people that councilman McKinley, Councilwoman Silva, Councilman Whitaker, and The Big Kernel himself, Dick Jones had all made statements about the matter. Maybe next time Fullerton will vote for a leader who doesn’t need to ask for permission to…lead.

Anti-Recall Going Up In Smoke


For instant laughs please go to the anti-recall website, hilariously called Protect Fullerton. Of course the site should really be called Protect Jones, McKinley and Bankhead and Their Culture of Police Corruption, but we can let that go for now.

Apparently greasemeister Dick Ackerman decided to publish the fact I that attended Judge Gray’s August fundraiser for the initiative that would treat cannabis like any other intoxicant – like wine, for instance.

Am I supposed to be ashamed?

I have long advocated for the use and legal dispensation of medical marijuana, a position advocated by a clear majority of Californians back in the 90s. Of course ignorant obstructionists like Dick Jones and Dick Ackerman (see a trend with this Dick thing?) kept the will of the people from being enacted as they deprived sick people of a useful medication in their twisted puritanical self-righteousness.

I also happen believe that government shouldn’t be in the business of regulating stuff folks can grow in their backyard. People like Jones, McKinley and Bankhead on the other hand, are very much interested in what you do in the privacy of your private property, because they are not freedom-loving conservatives; they are freedom-depriving bullies who want to tell everybody else how to live.

Which is funny because I would never dream of telling Doctor HeeHaw what to do with those spiky cucumbers he diligently grows in his backyard.

For no extra charge, have fun watching Doctor Donkey elaborate on something he knows absolutely nothing about.

What Did McKinley Know, And When Did He Know It?


Gee, this is getting depressing.

Friends, we just received this e-mail from a gentleman named George Marshall Thompson who asked if we would publish it. Yes, we will, George. ‘Cause that’s how we roll. And thanks for the submission.

Dear FFFF,

We all saw Fullerton councilman, former police chief and architect of the culture of corruption within the FPD, on CNN. After his cavalier and insulting comments about facial injuries he indicated his belief that it was probably just two cops involved in the murder of Kelly Thomas. He also denied seeing the video.

And after the DA charged only Ramos and Cicinelli with crimes, I’m starting to get a picture in my mind. And that picture ain’t pretty.

We can speculate all day about whether or not McKinley saw the video and then lied about it; or simply read the doctored reports; or received “unofficial” briefings from his pals in the department and the FPOA to which his colleagues on the council were not privy. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if something tumbles out of McKinley’s closet when he is deposed by Garo Mardirossian. But something else is disturbing: the fact that McKinley’s ostensible “speculation” about two cops  mirrored anonymous troll comments on this site and ultimately neatly corresponded with the DAs charges.

Is it conspiratorialist to suggest that it McKinley himself participated in the plan to hold Ramos and Cicinelli under the bus as a form of damage control for the other four cops, and more importantly from his perspective, for the good of the whole FPD? Maybe, but it sure is weird that McKinley seemed to know what was going to happen six weeks before it did. And McKinley isn’t psychic. He isn’t even very smart.

Throughout this whole affair I’ve picked up the vibe that it was McKinley who was calling the shots for the City of Fullerton as disaster after disaster piled up; that it was he who told Sellers and Praet to try to buy off the dad, and that he was receiving inside information, perhaps not even shared with the City Manager, and certainly not with Whitaker or Quirk.

Maybe someday we’ll know McKinley’s role throughout the so-called “internal investigation” that never even started until Gennaco was hired. In the meantime one thing remains crystal clear to me. It was McKinley’s total lack of oversight of his own police department that led to the horror show that’s been unfolding the past few months, and that keeps unfolding as more and more Fullerton cops are busted for one crime or another.

The reputation of the Fullerton Police Department is unreveling before our very eyes. And the people of Fullerton are going to pay dearly for the corruption therein.

G.M. Thompson



Mayor Jones Bemoans “A Tragedy for the Officers”

After learning that two of his police department’s employees were officially charged in the murder of a mentally-ill homeless man, Fullerton’s esteemed Mayor Dick Jones was finally a talkin.’ He cast out this pearl:

“We are delighted this has come forth,” Mayor F. Richard Jones said. “The DA has done an outstanding job of presenting this. … He was very succinct and clear. … It’s a tragedy for the officers, for the Thomas family and for the city.”

Did you just read that right? Mayor Jones exclaiming a tragedy for the officers?!! Yep, you did read that right.

Well, some may just say that he misspoke, even though he undoubtedly had been coached beforehand by his out-of-town handlers.

And I say that he said exactly what he meant: that the whole obscene episode, and his role in creating the corruption that led to it, and later his downplaying the murder is a tragedy – for himself and the gang of thugs he set loose on Downtown Fullerton.

Of course not a word of sympathy from the good doctor for the actual victim – a sick, law-abiding homeless man. To Jones who’s “doin’ all right” up on his hill, Kelly Thomas was just another filthy bum annoying his cherished booze hall-owning pals.



And Jonesie has seen many much worse injuries than those of Kelly Thomas that were survivable.


But of course none of the victims that Doc HeeHaw pulled out of flaming airplane wreckage in Veet Naam had a two hundred and fifty pound cop sitting on their chest electrocuting and pistol whipping them.



No more free ride for you,  Mr. Jones. People finally understand what an incompetent, loud-mouthed idiot you really are.

McKinley Hired Jay Cicinelli.

Smile now, cry later...

Former Fullerton Police  Chief, and now city council recall target Pat McKinley hired Jay Cicinelli. Cicinelli was arraigned yesterday in Suprior Court in the homicide death of Kelly Thomas at the hands of six McKinley proteges.

But among all the pickpockets, thieves, sexual predators, kidnappers, thugs, and murderers hired by McKinley, Jay Cicinelli was special. The recipient of several gunshot wounds including the head shot that cost him an eye and probably useful brain matter, Cicinelli was placed on a permanent disability pension by LAPD who wisely concluded that Cicinelli was no longer fit to be a policeman.

Enter Mike Hillman, an LAPD honcho and old pal of then Fullerton Chief McKinley; Hillman was determined that Cicinelli fulfill his life’s calling as a cop, and public safety be damned. In McKinley, Hillman found his man, and Cicinelli was put to work with a badge and a gun on the streets of Fullerton. Need some corrobrating testamony? Here’s the money quote from article linked above from none other than Jay Cicinelli:

I think he had a lot to do with getting me this job, I know he was good friends with (Fullerton Police) Chief Pat McKinley. How many departments are going to hire an officer with one eye?

Let’s put this in perspective: doing a favor for an old LAPD crony, McKinley placed the citizens of Fullerton at pysical and financial risk by employing and deploying a cop rejected by LAPD. It was done knowingly, cavalierly, and utterly irresponsibly. Apart from recognizing the alarming potential for post traumatic stress disorder, even the average civilian will have wondered at the obvious depth-perception and peripheral vision issues connected to a one-eyed cop.

Still waiting for his "Authorities" to tell him what to do...

And now that it’s time to take accountability for his actions, his out-of-town handlers won’t let McKinley do at least one honorable thing in his life: resign.

So we’re going to help him.


We all know the story. The Old Guard is always squawking about them thar’ outside agitators who come to town with their evil commie agendas about civil rights and other suchlike newfangled eye-d-ers. We’ve already heard it about those protesting for transparency and justice in the brutal beating death of Kelly Thomas at the hands of the Fullerton Police Department.

Hilariously, the Three Blind Dinosaurs – Jones, McKinley and Bankhead – have decided to hire an entire gang of outsiders to defend the indefensible – them. So let’s take a quick look.

Yes. I have a price. And it's remarkably low.

First there’s the mastermind, Dick Ackerman, another Mesozoic castoff who operates a sleazy lobbying scam for the Nossaman law firm, and who was just handed a huge multi-million dollar low-income housing project by his three pals on the council, and who has millions of good reasons to keep these incompetent nitwits on the council. Ackerman is a real paragon of virtue who was busted for illegally lobbying the Legislature, who created a phony charity in order to vacation in Hawaii, and who tried to foist his dimwitted wife as an Assemblywoman on Fullerton by cooking up a fake address in our city; actually Ackerman lived, and still lives behind a guarded gate in Irvine, so of course that makes him a shameless liar.

We just found out that Ackerman is peddling his ass as a expert on how to “manage” angry citizens; oh, you know the sort. The kind who react badly when innocent men are murdered in their streets.

The metamorphosis into an oxygen breathing creature was slow and painful.

Then there’s Dick’s  hand-picked mud-slinging associate – a despicable toad named Dave Ellis. Rather than delve into this miscreant’s high crimes and misdemeanors we’ll just let Orange Juice Blogmeister Vern Nelson have at him in a brilliant expose. This creep is from Newport Beach.

Now, perhaps, the funniest bit of all – the anti-recall address: 603 E. Alton Ave. Ste. H . Santa Ana, CA! Santa Freaking Ana?! I guess they couldn’t find a convenient PO box in Fullerton.

It’s true that the superannuated drain clogs have engaged the services of a couple of local stooges to give the appearance of grassroots support, but really, outside of a few shopworn drunks at the boozy Chamber of Commerce mixers, who will support the Tumescent Trio?

It likes meal worms.

One of the boosters is a rather loathsome reptile named James Alexander, known in Fullerton City Hall as a small-time influence peddler and bag man for big developers. This guy is a main chance sort of lizard, and his chances are dwindling rapidly.

Then there’s some other guy named Larry Bennett, who not only backs the Dinosaurs with a weird myopia, but also defends the police union in its role in creating the Culture of Corruption in the FPD. I suppose he has to. His boys and the FPOA are inextricably joined at their collective hips, it would seem. And that’s why there’s a recall in the first place. I am also informed that Bennett sells life insurance to all these geezers, so the myopia is explained actuarially, and the circle conveniently closes.

As the recall signature gathering draws to a successful conclusion we will discover how much (and how little) support the Three Blind Dinosaurs actually have in Fullerton itself.