The Liberal OC – Where The Truth Goes to Die

Dan C-somethingorother, the pompous Priapus who runs the The Liberal OC blog as a front for hapless, incompetent, or crooked Democrat politicians likes to pretend he’s a real reporter. Who can forget his hushed “this is Dan C-somethingorother reporting” sign-off on that ridiculous “exclusive” about how Precious Princess had received “a series” (actually it was one) ” harassing” phone calls (actually the guy just told Galloway what he thought of her). We told that story, plus how this bozo tried to blame us, here.

Yesterday he offered up a polished scat about eagerly awaiting an impending “hit piece” against Shawn Nelson by Hairball Sidhu. Everything’s legit, see, he has his “sources,” but of course we see through that bullshit right away. John Lewis told Matthew J. Cunningham and Cunningham told Dan C. Way to wear out the reportorial shoe leather, Dan!

A large hairball was passed.

Now for the really inaccurate part:

“while Nelson enjoys the advantage of IEs from the Fullerton Friends blog…”

FYI, Intrepid Boy Reporter #1: FFFF is not an IE, has not and will not be one in this election. Get it? Please to be removing cranium from lower colonic cavity. Didn’t they teach you anything in journalism school about facts?

By the way, Dan, since you are a reporter, when are you going to report to your readers Lorraine Galloway’s adventures in Monterey, her multiple bankruptcies, her tax liens, and all those embarrassing judgments that make her patently unfit to run a dog walking business, let alone a county? Don’t worry. We can be your “source.”

State Auditor Rains on Pringle’s High Speed Rail Parade

Pay no attention to that man in front of the curtain...

In a comprehensive indictment of the High Speed Rail Authority’s procedures and protocols, and its abilities to manage and oversee spending public bond revenue, the California State Auditor has taken a considerable step in derailing the proposed boondoggle. Read the highlights for yourself.

Although this doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t suspect, it does confirm the worst suspicions about poor planning and lax or non-existent oversight, and raises the worst spectre of all: a worthless, duplicative, hyper-expensive and disruptive system – a mere leg – say from Anaheim to downtown Los Angeles.

Tonight Pringle’s PR consultants are coming to town, not to ask our opinion about anything, rest assured. Rather they are coming to soft sell what’s already been decided. But there’s no reason why we can’t go and share our opinions, and maybe even ask Mayor Bankhead (who’s bound to be there) how come he stood up a couple years ago and told people that the City of Fullerton supports this disaster in the making.

They’re going to be at the Senior Center from 5-8 with a propaganda presentation at 6pm.

Wake Up Dick!

Nice shoes...

After second helpings of aloo tikki and tandoori baked nan, our own beloved blowhard Dick Jones seems to be having trouble staying awake during the Indian Independence day celebration held last summer at Harry Sidhu’s “elegant Yorba Estate.” You remember, his home in the 3rd District that he swore under penalty of perjury that he had abandoned for the Calabria Apartments on Lincoln Avenue.

It’s Never Too Late To Be Smart, Or Is It?

It wasn’t but five minutes after I published City of Orange Votes To Kill HSR: Wake Up City Of Fullerton, NOW post, and look what I found in the mail:

The HSR “consultants” are having an “open house” Thursday 5:00p.m. – 8:00p.m, April 29th at the Senior Center. It should be interesting to see the usual collection of redevelopment cheerleader-types that will come out in support of the HSR.

Of course the City itself remains silent as the the big construction, engineering and influence peddling interests bore down on Fullerton.

I really hope the good citizens of our town will wake up and realize that the light at the end of the tunnel is a train – and it’s going to run us over unless we take action before it’s too late.

make my day
Come to the light...

Fullerton City Council Asleep at the HSR Switch?

Jon Dumitru request public hearing on HSR!
Jon Dumitru requested hearing on HSR

I applaud the Orange City Council for taking the initiative here, to discuss State Assemblywoman Diane Harkey’s AB2121. Basically, Harkey’s idea is to pull the plug on the bond financing for the High Speed Rail (HSR) massive boondoggle. Our sources tell us Councilman Jon Dumitru has taken the lead on reviewing this issue.

Hell, the HSR isn’t even proposed to go through Orange, and their council is more concerned about the boondoggle than Fullerton’s is.The route, as proposed could cut a several mile long swath of destruction through Fullerton. And our council doesn’t seem able to even talk about it. Maybe because staff didn’t agendize it first.


When are the people of Fullerton going to start electing people that stick up for Fullerton? A concerted opposition by our council could help kill this fiasco now.

Another Classic Jones Moment. “Why I Quit Vector Control”

Listen to good ol’ Doc Jones explain why he bugged out of the OC Vector Control Board. It’s pretty ironic that during Jones’ explanation he does the same thing that he accuses Vector Board members of doing – going on, and on, and on.  In fact Jones goes all the way to Africa and beyond in his four minute plus spiel. And of course he’s a die-hard supporter of the bureaucracy and its arrogant ex-chief to the bitter end.

Anyway, I always thought the purpose of leaders was to lead – not quit when they get annoyed or impatient or “baffled by brilliance.” It’s leadership failure.  No Dick, our concerns are not “improved.”

Watch the clip, Friends, and you’ll get the picture.

Fullerton City Council Violates Own Policy

On Tuesday the Fullerton City Council split from its own policy and procedures when it appointed Paul Webb to the OC Vector Board – to replace the ever- increasingly brittle Dick Jones.

The City Council’s policy has been to publicly advertise when a position is open for a committee or a commission. In this case, it should have either gone to Pam Keller who wanted to serve on the Vector Board or it should have been selected through an open and competitive interview process. Bankhead, Jones, and Nelson gave the job to Webb after an obvious behind-the-scenes arrangement. Once the obvious fix was in then Keller and Quirk went along for the ride. No bueno!

Anyway just for fun, listen to Paul Webb’s loopy statement about why he doesn’t have a conflict, and decide for yourselves if this is someone you think should represent Fullerton on a County board.

A Letter to the City Council by Judith Kaluzny

UPDATE: A version of this item is back on the agenda for tonight’s council meeting. Council denied the $69,997 expenditure last year. Now the Redevelopment Agency has broken the project into smaller increments, hoping that it can slither its’ way through in 2010.


This item failed on a split vote last night. Keller and Quirk against, Jones and Nelson in favor, with Bankhead absent.

I read the state laws regarding business improvement districts.  The process is that business people sign a petition to the city council.  It is not the job of redevelopment to gin up a petition to give the appearance of support for this new taxing agency.

Cameron Irons did a survey February 2008 and got about 10 responses regarding a BID, mostly negative.

Sharon Quirk as councilmember said in 2007 that people should pay for the privilege of doing business downtown.

Maybe you want the money for city improvement, but it is not RDA’s place to create a demand for a taxing agency business people rejected in a private survey–the appropriate kind for a BID–last year.

Please do not waste money on this ill-advised venture.  Vote no on Item 17 on May 19.

Yours truly,
A downtown business person,

Judith A. Kaluzny, Mediator and Lawyer
149 West Whiting Avenue
Fullerton, California 92832

Bad Time to Raise Taxes; Especially to Save the League of Cities Baloney

Taxes takin’ my whole damn check, junkies makin’ me a nervous wreck,  the price of food is goin’ up, an’ as if all that shit wasn’t enough, this Tuesday evening the city’s considerin’ a water rate increase.

Furthermore, the city is going to use the rate increase to pay for the League of Cities baloney. The two spendthrift promoters of this idea are Don Bankhead and Pam Keller  who in 2008 attended the League of Cities conference in Long Beach here and here, a mere 25 miles from their front doors and racked up $400 per night waterfront hotel bills.

The League of Cities is a do nothing operation run by bureaucrats for the purpose of promoting their own policies. Fullerton’s annual membership budget is $75,000 – not an inconsiderable sum, exactly why the City of Orange quit the League.

NO new taxes, NO bogus water rate increase. We all know Bankhead and Keller are going to vote for this tax increase and I suspect Dick “RINO” Jones will, too.

We’ll find out tomorrow night.

We Get Mail: Dick Jones And The Great Vector Bug Out

Here’s an interesting e-mail chain that I initiated while contacting Mayor Bankhead about making sure Fullerton has a representative on the OC Vector Control Board.

I got an e-mail from good old Dick Jones himself accusing FFFF of innuendos and lies! Naturally if there’s a different tale than the one told to us by other board members, we’d sure like to hear it! So I invited Jones to write it out and send it in to show us where we are lying. Of course I’ll publish any old thing he writes – just so long as he writes it himself.

I have to admit I got a kick out of the “helping fellow citizens” routine.

In a message dated 3/30/2010 12:26:27 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, tony bushala writes:

Dear Mayor Bankhead – I have confirmed with a member of the Vector Board that at Vector Controls last board meeting (closed session) held on 3/18/10 Dick Jones lost it and “declared” that he “quit” the Vector Board.

Would you please place this matter on the city’s next agenda so the residents of Fullerton are assured that we have a representative on the Vector Board?

Thank You,

Tony Bushala


Wed, March 31, 2010 8:05:15 AM

Tony what is your problem???? The Council, the OCVCB Director, and Board Pres were informed by me last month that I was considering resigning because of ongoing problems at the OCVCB. When I left several others walked out also–a quorum just barely remained. Why must you and your blog attack with innuendos and lies those who are trying to help their fellow citizens? Would you like to meet with me and see if we could improve your concerns?


Wed, March 31, 2010 11:46:12 AM

Would you like to write up your version of the Vector Board event and explain where I’m “lying”, I’ll even publish it on the blog.