The Fullerton City Council election race slate of candidates was completed yesterday. So we know who’s running and what they are calling themselves these days. The candidate statements on the City Clerk website are somewhat revealing.
It looks like the most interesting race is in the 4th District where the incumbent, Bruce Whitaker is termed out. His wife, Linda, is running to replace him. She has name recognition, for sure which has no doubt caused alarm in the dungeons of OC DEM headquarters.

The DEM Central’s endorsed candidate is someone we know – Vivian Jaramillo, a retired purveyor of parking tickets and a code enforcement busy-body. She calls herself a “Retired Preservation Officer” (but admits in her grievance statement to be a “code enforcement officer”) which is meant to convey nothing except that maybe she was some sort of cop instead of what she really was.
Another candidate is Jamie Valencia, a “Registered Nurse” which is doubly good: a Latino name and a profession that requires training, diligence, and patience. I don’t know anything about her, yet, but this could be a real surprise candidate. In her rather jumbled statement she claims to be endorsed by the FPOA which is a big deal. It will be interesting to find out how that happened and to find out who the paramedics are endorsing.
The fourth candidate is named Scott Moskowitz who popped up at the very last minute out of nowhere. That’s not nearly as interesting as his ballot statement, which is wild.

Two things we know for sure. First, there’s something suspicious about this guy’s presence at the last minute, and something seems off here. The reliance on Trumpian talking points raises suspicions, such as the idea that this is a phony candidacy by an unknown just meant to attract white voters away from the other non-Latino named candidate – Linda Whitaker. And that cynicism would be very much in keeping with the recent OC Democrat Party playbook. I’m going to do a little research on this Moskowitz chap – as in who his pals are and to what party he’s registered. Maybe he’s kosher, maybe he isn’t.

The second thing we know about Moskowitz is that he can’t write or spell well. But, were these foibles intentional to enhance the redneck appeal? That would be unusually clever for the political small fry.
The 1st and 2nd District races face off incumbents Fred Jung and Nick Dunlap, against, respectively, some guy named Matt Truxaw and Jan Flory. Truxaw can be dismissed out of hand as some clown dredged up to make Jung spend some money out of his vast campaign account. That’s it. The other race features the three-time retread Jan Flory, whose mind-set is firmly locked into the 1970’s. She isn’t just antiquated, she’s mean spirited, arrogant and seems to genuinely dislike her constituents.

Flory’s ballot statement wisely omits her age since she must be an octogenarian, or very close. She touts her “experience” and mentions her esprit de corps, but omits her complicity in letting the infrastructure crumble, her dedication to taxes, and her role in approving unbalanced budgets – then lying about it.
Well, that’s story, for now. FFFF will pass along more information about Ms. Valencia and Mr. Markowitz when we learn more.