Mickadeit Already Running Cover For Lame-O DA By Floating Trial Balloons?

Three days in the monkey cage left lingering damage...

Yesterday,  OC Register homunculus and repuglican lackey-chronicler Frank Mickadeit wrote up a story about possible contenders to a Todd Spitzer 3rd District Supervisorial run in 2012 – as a prelude to a Spitzer DA run in 2014.

The big names – outgoing assemblyman Chuck DeVore and Dick Ackerman deserve special attention, and we’ll get back to that in a bit.

But first let’s relish Mickadeit’s effort to stir up anti-Spitzer sentiment for the benefit of our Do Nothing DA who is actually endorsing serial law breaker Roland Chi in Fullerton’s city council race. As is well known, Mickadeit dances to the tunes fifed out by GOP bigwig Michael Schroeder and his wife, DAs spokeshole Susan Kang. In return for providing this entertainment Frank gets to smoke cigars and sip brandy with the Schroeders.

It seems not unlikely that besides the congenital name-dropping instinct, Frank is throwing out these big names as a counter to Spitzer’s own vaulting ambition, as in: not so fast Todd, boy.

Will nail down the Eagle Scout vote.

DeVore wouldn’t be a bad supervisor and might actually bring some refreshing relief to a County operation dedicated to doling out medical and social services compliments of the federal government. But he needs a job. Now.

Dick Ackerman? Well he does live in a “top secret, gated community” in the 3rd District which s a far cry from his claim to have moved to Fullerton last year so his old lady could run for the State Assembly. Apart from that he’s got some explaining to do. Such as the Pacific Policy Research Foundation scam we reported about here, years of RINO accommodating votes, his dubious behavior vis-a-vis the OC Fair sale. He’s also 70 and we sure have seen enough geriatric retirees at the County over the years.

My top-secret gated estate is in the right district. Now if only that white van would quit following me around.

Worst of all, is Ackerman’s perpetual backing of the worst kind of liberal, staff-stooge candidates here in Fullerton.Pro-Redevelopment, big government chuckleheads like Don Bankhead, Doc HeeHaw Jones, Pat McKinley, Aaron Gregg, and a long list of similar tools, simply selected to keep the scary Dems out – Democrats whose political philosophy is practically indistinguishable from Ackerman’s RINO herd.

The fun part of this is that either one of these worthies running would put a serious crimp in Der Pringle’s master plan of putting Orange’s dreary RINO Carolyn Cavecche into that seat.

2010 Fullerton Voter Guide

The generally non-partisan bloggers here at Friends for Fullerton’s Future have come up with a handy election guide for Fullerton voters. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat or independent voter, everyone hates to see public resources mismanaged and squandered by political opportunists, bureaucratic excuse-makers and drowsy incumbents.

These recommendations are based on a preference for candidates who represent the principles of limited government, personal freedom and courage to stand alone when necessary.

Fullerton City Council – 2 Year Seat

Bruce Whitaker

Bruce has always been independent and principle-driven, and he has proven himself to be a real tax-fighter. His past victories have already saved Fullerton residents over $150 million in unnecessary utility taxes.

Fullerton City Council – 4 Year Seat

Greg Sebourn

Greg’s platform centers around cleaning up waste in local government and bringing fiscal sanity back to Fullerton. He has already called out several wasteful projects and agencies on our blog and his own while proposing very reasonable alternatives.

Barry Levinson

Barry has shown courage in publicly denouncing Redevelopment boondoggles and he promises to rein in ridiculous public employee pensions. His background as an auditor may come in handy, too.

Fullerton School Board

Chris Thompson

Chris has courageously challenged the school bureaucracy on behalf of children more than any parent in the history of Fullerton. He will truly be a voice for children and taxpayers on the Fullerton school board.

Beverly Berryman

Beverly is easily the best of the current school board members, and has voted against bad policies and tax increases when necessary in the past.

Measure M – Term Limits

Yes on Measure M

Term limits are on the ballot as a response to Don Bankhead’s 22 years of representing city staff instead of Fullerton taxpayers. Measure M will help counter the often overpowering advantage of incumbency.

Orange County Supervisor – 4th District

Shawn Nelson

His opponent is a perjuring carpetbagger who sold out to the public employee unions.

47th Congressional District – South Fullerton

No Recommendation

Both Loretta Sanchez and Van Tran have way too many core faults to make them even mildly acceptable. One of our bloggers suggested a write-in vote for himself, but he is a dog. Consider choosing an alternative candidate.

The Criminal Mentality

It’s sort of funny how the “public safety” unions are always telling us that if it weren’t for them everything would be chaos, a sort of post apocalyptic nightmare with all savage criminals roaming the highway and all the structures aflame.

Thanks, FPOA!

Along with this nonsense, we get the image of these people as superior moral beings, giving of themselves to make our lives better through their tireless and limitless self-sacrifice.

So what can we make of the fact that Fullerton’s Police and “Fire” unions have endorsed the unendorsable Roland Chi?

Roland Chi. The creep who poisoned a dozen people in Garden Grove; who ignored over 90 health code violations; who plead nolo contendere and had to leave a sample of his DNA with the DA to dodge prosecution; who illegally used a non-profit charity to promote his campaign; whose very own father was caught red-handed stealing campaign signs.

Roland and Dad. Don't judge us by what we did to you. Judge us by what we say we will do for you.

Oh, yeah. That Roland Chi.

So why are the Fullerton agencies who are always promoting their exclusive powers to preserve public safety to exact ever greater concessions from the taxpayer, supporting the serial law-breaker Roland Chi? If it isn’t self-interest over the public good, then what, O what can it possibly be?

Like Father, Like Son? Sign Thief May Already Be on Probation… for Food Poisoning!

There’s an old adage that goes: the apple never falls far from the tree.

Remember when we traced the “No McKinley” sign thief’s white van back to Roland Chi’s supermarket in Garden Grove?

Tomorrow's Special in the dumpster?

Well, multiple sources have identified the photo below of the Fullerton sign thief as a close family friend of Roland Chi; very close, in fact. These people have identified the miscreant as Roland Chi’s own father, Jong Sik Chi, who is also the co-owner of Roland’s filthy Garden Grove market.

Busted. Again.

Well, that would explain an awful lot. Like the use of the family vehicle to commit another crime. Could it really be true?

If so, Chi senior may have wandered out onto thin legal ice.

See, according to the court documents linked below, the Elder Mr. Chi can hardly afford to be breaking the law. Senior Chi is still on probation for the 2009 AR Supermarket food poisoning incident, and the first condition of his plea agreement specifically commands him to Violate no law(s), or else.

Read the plea agreement

Presumably that would include petty theft and vandalism. In fact, according to an amateur translation of this court document, violating the terms of his probation could put him back on the hook for 2.5 years in prison!

Roland Chi’s entire campaign operation seems to built upon chronic and congenital dishonesty, disregard for the law, and criminal activity. There seems to be no connection between the Roland Chi Family and anybody’s standard of ethics.

You just couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.

The Lineup, Part II

Here’s a picture we found depicting Roland Chi and some other guy who looks a Hell of a lot like the the little creep who was caught stealing campaign signs, here.

Thumbs up, good buddy!

Drat the luck! We can’t read Korean. Can any body help out here? Who is Mystery Man who was caught on film stealing signs, stashing them into Roland Chi’s van, and then driving to Roland Chi’s store?

Maybe the Fullerton Police Department can help out here, since crimes are being committed and it’s their job to stop criminals. We’ve already supplied them with lots of clues, but so far we’ve heard nothing but a deafening silence.

Sharon Quirk-Silva, Another Serial Endorser?

I guess elected officials get some kind of a kick out of handing out endorsements to other candidates.  Recently I called for Shawn Nelson to choose between Bruce Whitaker and Roland Chi, both of whom he had endorsed before they ran against each other for the same two year city council seat.  I was encouraged to see that Nelson referred to Whitaker as the “only” candidate who would fight for pension reform on Whitaker’s recent campaign materials.

But it seems that Shawn Nelson may not be the only elected official having trouble picking a favorite.  Bruce Whitaker’s campaign website lists among his endorsers Sharon Quirk-Silva of the Fullerton City Council.  Funny, Roland Chi’s latest mailer carries a glowing endorsement of Chi by Quirk-Silva, complete with her smiling picture.  What’s the story here?  Did she dump Whitaker for Chi, or is she just trying to make everyone happy?  Can no one in this city just tell us who they want to win the damn election?

Roastbeef on Loretta Sanchez

This just came in from David Jerome, who is a Fullerton resident and the author of the Rick Dees-acclaimed novel, “Roastbeef’s Promise.”

I love that there’s finally a close race in the 47th Congressional district. Even more than that though, I envy the citizens of South Fullerton who have the opportunity to vote Liberal Loretta Sanchez off of “Gerrymandered Island.”

Instead of Loretta Sanchez’s usual Harlem Globetrotters verses the Washington Generals kind of re-election where she can stay in her plush DC office or banter with the Hollywood liberals on the Bill Maher Show, this election Representative Sanchez is forced out into the community to defend her positions and try and explain why her votes have helped to produce a 10% unemployment rate and trillions of dollars of new debt. In recent weeks her attempt at damage control has produced nothing more than a self-inflicted case of foot in mouth disease.

Voters of the 47th are now learning that Loretta Sanchez has the charm and class of Kanye West at an awards show. I became aware of her lack of tact and decency back in 2001 when Congress voted 410-0 on a bill to extend birthday greetings to ailing former President Ronald Reagan on his 90th birthday. Instead of voting with the 410 other Representatives in the affirmative, Loretta Sanchez voted “present” with seven other petty, mean-spirited, and highly partisan members.

Last month, Loretta Sanchez again showed her lack of integrity and two-faces when she spoke to The Orange County Register’s editorial board and claimed that she was a “Blue Dog” (conservative) Democrat (OC Register 9-12-10 Commentary). This came as a surprise to me, so I looked up her voting record over the past two years of government expansion and found that Sanchez had voted almost identically with ultra-liberal House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. (www.nationalrepublicantrust.com/Pelosiindex).

Voters of the 47th might be shocked to discover that Representative Sanchez’s recent voting record with Speaker Pelosi’s is 98%, a frequency level higher than several other liberal Congressional stalwarts including: Maxine Waters 93%, Henry Waxman 93%, Shelia Jackson Lee 93%, John Conyers 92%, and Dennis Kucinich 79%. Does anyone other than Hugo Chavez think that Nancy Pelosi or any of these other members are conservative Blue Dog Democrats?

Sanchez voted for the $800 billion stimulus package that, like an entree at Denny’s, shows up on the table looking nothing like the fabulous picture on the menu. Sanchez then, without reading the 2,400 page bill, merrily danced to Pelosi’s puppeteering and voted for Obamacare. So with Loretta’s help, the Democrats are now governing like carnival barkers at the Grab Bag booth. “Step right up, step right up, vote for the bill first, and we’ll see what’s in it later!”

The expose of Loretta Sanchez continued last month on Spanish television when she (in muy mal Espanol) claimed that the Vietnamese and Republicans were trying to take her seat. A typical response for a liberal elistist, dividing people by race and claiming ownership of the power temporarily bestowed upon her. Because of her “us” verses “them” comments, Representitive Sanchez is now about as popular with the Vietnamese community as a fly in their Pho. Will the 14-year rein of liberalism in central Orange County end with the fall of Sanchez? Will an evacuation helicopter land on the roof of Loretta’s Garden Grove office building on November 2nd and whisk her away to “us” land? One can only hope.

Thankfully, the re-election spotlight is finally being shone upon Loretta Sanchez and voters are getting a closer look at who she is and what she has done. Our South Fullerton friends are hopefully now discovering what a 14-year embarrassment she has been to this county. I am fully convinced that Van Tran could show up for his swearing-in next year at the Capitol Building wearing nothing but a rainbow wig and an autographed Octomom nursing bra, and still not embarrass us as much as Liberal Loretta has during her tenure.

-David Jerome

Back to The Bat Cave!

Biff. Zap. Wham. Take that Roland!

When I was just a young Peabody there was a show on TV called “Batman.” It was campy and stupid and highly entertaining.

One thing I never quite understood, though, was how come nobody ever followed the Batmobile back to the Bat Cave – you know, just to find out who Batman really was.

Holy Tainted Shrimp, Batman, how'd they find us?

Fortunately, at least one Friend in Fullerton showed more curiosity and initiative than any of the incredibly stupid denizens of Gotham City.

A couple of days ago we reported The Case of the Missing No McKinley Signs, a case that we predicted would be a real brain teaser for Fullerton’s versions of Chief O’Hara and Commissioner Gordon. Remember the little man and his white van? Click on the image below and check out the license plate.

We told you to hide your tags, genius...

Well, now observe the image below, captured outside Roland Chi’s AR Market in Garden Grove, where all those people got food poisoning and behind which they barfed their guts out; and where Roland Chi ignored all those inspection failure notices and was finally rung up by the DA. Here’s some of their impressive fleet of rolling stock. Click on this picture, and note the license plate number on the van.

Meanwhile back at Stately Wayne Manor...

Yes, folks, we have a match!

And yes, FPD, you can go ahead and take the credit for the bust. This one’s on FFFF! Will you be wanting a receipt?

The Lineup, Part I

We’re not too sure how diligent the FPD is going to be in its investigation into the political sign theft ring that is operating out of Roland Chi’s van. So, ever helpful, we thought we might be able to facilitate things up a bit with a little help from our Friends.

So let’s roll back the curtain and take a peep at Perp #1. Remember this fine fellow, the one photgraphed stealing “No McKinley” signs at the intersection of Euclid and Rosecrans? Take a good look.

And now consider the image below, taken at the CRA endorsing event that was held a few weeks ago – the one where, Roland Chi stacked the meeting with a gaggle of newly minted CRA members, many of whom had to be told what to do and when to vote.

The handsome dude in the yellow shirt sure looks familiar. Could this indeed be the sign thief pictured above? Can’t quite zoom in on that name tag. You decide.

If you know, please share the identity of this individual. Your fellow Friends will be grateful. Hell, you may even get a Special Fringie Award come December!