Amazing Grace And the Amazing Sinking Chi.

As I was motoring down Highland Avenue the other day, I spied this sight in the 200 N. block.

Uh, oh! A church proudly displaying a Roland Chi sign. Somebody needs to inform this operation that the IRS doesn’t allow non-profits to promote political candidates, and not only that, but it really looks bad when churches do it.

Of course the idea of using a non-profit to promote his political ambition is nothing new for Roland Chi, it’s pretty risky for a church to jeopardize its standing with the IRS. What’s next for “Amazing Grace Methodist Church?” Can anybody say “property taxes?”

The Lineup, Part II

Here’s a picture we found depicting Roland Chi and some other guy who looks a Hell of a lot like the the little creep who was caught stealing campaign signs, here.

Thumbs up, good buddy!

Drat the luck! We can’t read Korean. Can any body help out here? Who is Mystery Man who was caught on film stealing signs, stashing them into Roland Chi’s van, and then driving to Roland Chi’s store?

Maybe the Fullerton Police Department can help out here, since crimes are being committed and it’s their job to stop criminals. We’ve already supplied them with lots of clues, but so far we’ve heard nothing but a deafening silence.

Sharon Quirk-Silva, Another Serial Endorser?

I guess elected officials get some kind of a kick out of handing out endorsements to other candidates.  Recently I called for Shawn Nelson to choose between Bruce Whitaker and Roland Chi, both of whom he had endorsed before they ran against each other for the same two year city council seat.  I was encouraged to see that Nelson referred to Whitaker as the “only” candidate who would fight for pension reform on Whitaker’s recent campaign materials.

But it seems that Shawn Nelson may not be the only elected official having trouble picking a favorite.  Bruce Whitaker’s campaign website lists among his endorsers Sharon Quirk-Silva of the Fullerton City Council.  Funny, Roland Chi’s latest mailer carries a glowing endorsement of Chi by Quirk-Silva, complete with her smiling picture.  What’s the story here?  Did she dump Whitaker for Chi, or is she just trying to make everyone happy?  Can no one in this city just tell us who they want to win the damn election?

Back to The Bat Cave!

Biff. Zap. Wham. Take that Roland!

When I was just a young Peabody there was a show on TV called “Batman.” It was campy and stupid and highly entertaining.

One thing I never quite understood, though, was how come nobody ever followed the Batmobile back to the Bat Cave – you know, just to find out who Batman really was.

Holy Tainted Shrimp, Batman, how'd they find us?

Fortunately, at least one Friend in Fullerton showed more curiosity and initiative than any of the incredibly stupid denizens of Gotham City.

A couple of days ago we reported The Case of the Missing No McKinley Signs, a case that we predicted would be a real brain teaser for Fullerton’s versions of Chief O’Hara and Commissioner Gordon. Remember the little man and his white van? Click on the image below and check out the license plate.

We told you to hide your tags, genius...

Well, now observe the image below, captured outside Roland Chi’s AR Market in Garden Grove, where all those people got food poisoning and behind which they barfed their guts out; and where Roland Chi ignored all those inspection failure notices and was finally rung up by the DA. Here’s some of their impressive fleet of rolling stock. Click on this picture, and note the license plate number on the van.

Meanwhile back at Stately Wayne Manor...

Yes, folks, we have a match!

And yes, FPD, you can go ahead and take the credit for the bust. This one’s on FFFF! Will you be wanting a receipt?

The Lineup, Part I

We’re not too sure how diligent the FPD is going to be in its investigation into the political sign theft ring that is operating out of Roland Chi’s van. So, ever helpful, we thought we might be able to facilitate things up a bit with a little help from our Friends.

So let’s roll back the curtain and take a peep at Perp #1. Remember this fine fellow, the one photgraphed stealing “No McKinley” signs at the intersection of Euclid and Rosecrans? Take a good look.

And now consider the image below, taken at the CRA endorsing event that was held a few weeks ago – the one where, Roland Chi stacked the meeting with a gaggle of newly minted CRA members, many of whom had to be told what to do and when to vote.

The handsome dude in the yellow shirt sure looks familiar. Could this indeed be the sign thief pictured above? Can’t quite zoom in on that name tag. You decide.

If you know, please share the identity of this individual. Your fellow Friends will be grateful. Hell, you may even get a Special Fringie Award come December!

Sunday Afternoon Pilfery

So what do you do on Sunday afternoon after church and you don’t give a damn about pro football?

I know! Let’s go steal some campaign signs!

Let’s hope this was not the message of Sunday’s sermon!

An alert Friend snapped this image of a respectable-looking, necktied gentleman who was taking down “Bad Chi” signs on Euclid and Malvern. Here’s what our Friend told us:

“This Chi supporter was removing Bad Chi signs Sunday afternoon.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect”

Yikes! White collar, solid shirt! That 80s look ain’t workin’ for ya, brotha’.

Can anybody identify this lawbreaker? We are now giving odds that this guy is not related to Roland Chi in some way. And the odds are starting at 100-1.

Roland Chi: Thief

When you’ve already been busted for poisoning folks, ignoring what you did, and then, finally having to give the DA a sample of your DNA to plea away your problems, what do you do for an encore?

The cops support me. Of course I'm law abiding...

Roland Chi seems to have decided to resort to petty theft.

A helpful Friend just sent in the photos below, which were accompanied with testimony that he saw an individual stealing “No McKinley” signs at the intersection of Rosecrans and Bastanchury on Saturday. Well, guess who that van belongs to. It belongs to AR Market, the same business owned by Roland Chi that was the site of the repeated health code violations we reported here!

Why would Roland Chi’s crew steal “No McKinley” signs? Good question. Could it be because Chi and McKinley are both endorsed by the “public safety” unions and it’s just a case of one union stooge looking out for another?

Roland's got my back. In fact we're writing a screenplay for a buddy cop movie.

We’ll be doing some sleuthing to see if can identify the idiot in these pictures in our ample image library.

And by the way, we’ve noticed a  lot of “Bad Chi” signs missing. We’ll be looking into that thievery, too.

Man walking over to No McKinley sign.

Man taking No McKinley sign and stashing in van.

Gotta cover those tags, genius!

It’s starting to look like Roland Chi can’t do a single thing honestly. I’ve filed a police report and have sent these images to the Fullerton Police Department. Let the wheels of justice turn (or spin, as the case may be)!

Take a bow, Roland.

Yep, Chi’s Non-Profit Was Used to Promote His Campaign

An unmarked compact disc was anonymously placed in our drop box the other day by someone who we presume is close to the Chi campaign. It was loaded with photos taken from Chi’s event last week, confirming earlier suspicions that Chi would be using his tax-exempt non-profit to promote his political campaign, in defiance of IRS tax rules.

Perhaps a more interesting observation: It looks like hardly anybody showed up.

The boring photos reveal a very small audience comprised mostly of political candidates, including Janny Meyer, Bev Berryman, Don Bankhead, and a few of their family members.

The whole event appears to be a lot of wasted effort for an unsuccessful attempt at self-promotion.

Of course, we couldn’t help but notice that the event was catered. For the health and safety of Chi’s guests, let’s hope the food didn’t come from his own supermarket.

Did you try the shrimp?

It’s Time for Shawn Nelson to Rescind His Endorsement of Roland Chi

We’ve all heard the story….Shawn Nelson endorsed two candidates for Fullerton City Council, Bruce Whitaker and Roland Chi, before both decided to run for the same seat vacated by him when he was elected to the Board of Supervisors earlier this year. Fair enough, Mr. Nelson. There were three seats open on the Fullerton City Council, two four year seats and one two year seat, and you had no way of knowing when you gave your endorsements that Whitaker and Chi would run against one another for the single two year seat. But that was then, and now you have to make a choice about who you are supporting. Will it be Bruce Whitaker or Roland Chi?

Here are your choices…

Roland Chi:

As reported on this blog,


Bruce Whitaker:

  • Serves on the Fullerton Planning Commission (appointed by Shawn Nelson)
  • Has lived in Fullerton for 22 years
  • Founded Fullerton Association for Concerned Taxpayers (FACT) and repealed an unjust utility tax
  • Statewide Coordinator for Municipal Officials for Redevelopment Reform (MORR), an organization dedicated to reforming out of control Redevelopment in California

Shawn Nelson, you can’t vote for both candidates. Do the right thing for your hometown and put your support behind Bruce Whitaker for City Council today.