The generally non-partisan bloggers here at Friends for Fullerton’s Future have come up with a handy election guide for Fullerton voters. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat or independent voter, everyone hates to see public resources mismanaged and squandered by political opportunists, bureaucratic excuse-makers and drowsy incumbents.
These recommendations are based on a preference for candidates who represent the principles of limited government, personal freedom and courage to stand alone when necessary.
Fullerton City Council – 2 Year Seat
Bruce Whitaker
Bruce has always been independent and principle-driven, and he has proven himself to be a real tax-fighter. His past victories have already saved Fullerton residents over $150 million in unnecessary utility taxes.
Fullerton City Council – 4 Year Seat
Greg Sebourn
Greg’s platform centers around cleaning up waste in local government and bringing fiscal sanity back to Fullerton. He has already called out several wasteful projects and agencies on our blog and his own while proposing very reasonable alternatives.
Barry Levinson
Barry has shown courage in publicly denouncing Redevelopment boondoggles and he promises to rein in ridiculous public employee pensions. His background as an auditor may come in handy, too.
Fullerton School Board
Chris Thompson
Chris has courageously challenged the school bureaucracy on behalf of children more than any parent in the history of Fullerton. He will truly be a voice for children and taxpayers on the Fullerton school board.
Beverly Berryman
Beverly is easily the best of the current school board members, and has voted against bad policies and tax increases when necessary in the past.
Measure M – Term Limits
Yes on Measure M
Term limits are on the ballot as a response to Don Bankhead’s 22 years of representing city staff instead of Fullerton taxpayers. Measure M will help counter the often overpowering advantage of incumbency.
Orange County Supervisor – 4th District
Shawn Nelson
His opponent is a perjuring carpetbagger who sold out to the public employee unions.
47th Congressional District – South Fullerton
No Recommendation
Both Loretta Sanchez and Van Tran have way too many core faults to make them even mildly acceptable. One of our bloggers suggested a write-in vote for himself, but he is a dog. Consider choosing an alternative candidate.