Fred Jung Running For County Supervisor

Here’s a video put out by Fullerton Mayor, Fred Jung, announcing a run for 4th District County Supervisor. The winner will replace thankfully (for us) termed-out Doug “Bud” Chaffee, another in a very long line of do-nothing, accomplish-nothing office holders. The primary is in the spring of 2026 – still over a year away. The top two will advance to a November runoff if nobody gets 50% (I think that’s how it works).

The video’s not bad, although it’s sort of low energy.

Catch and release?

A Jung opponent for the job is the nebbish Connor Traut of Buena Park who announced last year. The poor Troutlet immediately announced a $100,000 fundraising bonanza that turned out to be nothing but a transfer of money form a city council account. Jung is doing the same thing, but has twice as much in the bank – an impressive $200K.

Unlike Thr Troutling, Jung doesn’t have an “endorsements” tab, a sure sign that he holds such silly political circle jerks in low regard.

Both are Democrats, and it sounds like Jung is going after the same demographic that elected Bud Chaffee – conservative Dems and Republicans with no place else to go.

The Village People just called…

It remains to be seen if the Republicans will even bother to run anybody. Some guy named Vargas from Brea ran before and did poorly. Then there’s Tim Shaw who ran against and lost to Chaffee in 2018. In 2022 two Democrats made the playoffs so there may not even be a Republican horse in the race.

On the Democrat side it’s hard to see any other serious candidates emerging at this point.

Ready to Bring Back Josh?

Now that the 2018 General Election is about to be certified (Tuesday in Orange County), let’s start annoying ourselves with predictions of 2020.

I have one for you —

Despite being recalled, by a wide margin, Josh Newman is going to be back in the running for State Senate and he’s going to win. Big.

What makes me say this? Let us look at the evidence:

First we have Exhibit A: LinkedIn

“In Exile”

Then we have Exhibit B, the cringeworthy website

Bring Back Josh Newman

We could dive into financials and campaign committees but from the above info alone it should be clear that he’s running again in 2020. Now why do I think he’ll beat Ling Ling Chang?
