So Who Does The Red Bottom Blog Support in the 4th Supervisorial Race?

Today Matt Cunningham deigned to visit our humble blog with about eleven hundred comments. Hell, I’m honored, I guess. What dedication! Now that he seems to be following us I thought I’d raise a topic that is becoming more timely than ever – the 4th Supervisor election that now could be decided in June 2010. 

Let’s see. The Red County blog is supposed to be a conservative Republican blog. So why hasn’t uber-Republican Matthew Cunningham come out with any endorsement in the OC 4th District Supervisorial race. We know that he just couldn’t find it in himself to go out on a limb and support Chris Norby over the unqualified, dishonest, carpetbagger from Irvine, Linda Ackerman – it was just such a close call; but c’mon now this one’s a freakin’ slam dunk fer crissakes.

Let’s help out Matt by reviewing the would be Supes:

1. Tom Daly – career government worker; Democrat.

2. Rosie Espinosa – Democrat and no doubt as “progressive” as they come.

3. Lorri Galloway – Democrat and no doubt as “progressive’ as the come. Oh, yeah!Carpetbagger!

4. Harry Sidhu – Republican but Carpetbagger; plus Cunningham has been taking shots at him as an unprincipled hack for several years.

5. Shawn Nelson – Conservative Republican who stood up to the unions and his RINO pals on the Fullerton City Council and who took a strong position against Fullerton’s phony Redevelopment expansion.

Well this is really a no-brainer for somebody who is supposed to be a conservative Republican. Whatdya say, Matt? Who are you supporting in this election?

Is Tom Daly Pulling Out Of 4th Supe Race?

Art Pedroza over at the Orange Juice blog speculates about it, here.

Well, we have been waiting for some sort of decision by Daly for months as he weighed a tough political battle versus a fairly easy walkover in a re-election as County clerk – a job that pays well, requires little, and is unencumbered by term limits.

We don’t know how reliable Art’s sources are, but if they are, an announcement could be coming soon. If Daly does pull out it will be a bad blow to John Lewis who had been counting on getting Daly on to the BoS where he could be energetically lobbied like a rutting mink.

But if the story turns out to be true, it will be a glad day for Matthew J. Cunningham and his Red County blog who will no longer have to do pirouettes around the embarrassing fact of his uber-mentor supporting a (pause for gasp) Democrat!

Better Tighten It Up, Harry

We got a spam-mail from Harry Sidhu yesterday touting this or that. Attached was this dynamic Harry for Supe ad with Old Glory dissolving into an orange soda pop sea, out of which rises a solar avatar of the County Seal! Priceless!

We Need Experience, all right
We Need Experience, all right

The funny thing is if you go to that generic Harry website, there’s a link:


This takes the naive explorer to a basically regurgitated Harry website – right down to the multitude of luminous endorsements – from Abraham Lincoln to the Ghost of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The only problem is that none of these people or organizations have endorsed Harry for his carpetbagging 4th Supervisorial run! And Chris Norby has already endorsed Fullerton’s Shawn Nelson.

Bad boy, Harry, bad boy! Very misleading. If you want to supervise, you’d better start supervising your website!

Home For The Holiday at Harry’s (3rd District Abode)

We are in second-hand receipt of an invitation to a holiday reception hosted by Anaheim councilmember Harry Sidhu at his home “the Elegant Old Yorba Estate.” We wanted to pass it along as a public service, although we’re not sure who all was invited (we were not).

Sidhu_Holiday_Reception.12.11.09Just a reminder, Friends. The Elegant Old Yorba Estate is in the 3rd OC Supervisorial District. But Harry says he’s running to represent those of us who live in the 4th Supe District. Gee, Harry, nothing personal, but we believe we can find a representative among the folks who actually live in our district!

Anaheim Hills: Lakeview & Santa Ana Canyon Rd. @ 91 Freeway
Anaheim Hills: Lakeview & Santa Ana Canyon Rd. @ 91 Freeway
Santa Ana Canyon Rd. between Lakeview & Imperial

P.S. It would appear as if some enterprising Fringer placed a few Ackerman carpetbagger signs in Harry’s neighborhood – just as a not-so-subtle reminder of what was happening to the last out-of-town slummer.

The 72nd Assembly District Election Highlights Possibility for Restoration for the Soul of the Republican Party

This great post  was written the other day right here in Fullerton by our good Friend and fellow blogger Martha Martelongo, about the 72nd election as a watershed for the OC GOP. Enjoy!

MarthaThis past Tuesday night, I was in Orange County for the special election to fill the seat vacated by the disgraced, resigned, Republican, Mike Duvall, for the 72nd State Assembly district. Duvall was handpicked by the entrenched ethically bankrupt establishment of the Orange County GOP. The same group that handpicked, Linda Ackerman, whom they thought would be a shoe-in, because she is the wife of former Republican Senate minority leader, Dick Ackerman.

The winner in that race, Chris Norby, born in the City of Fullerton, in the heart of the District, has been a teacher, a City Councilman, a County Supervisor. His politics have earned him a reputation for being a staunch defender and innovative leader for limited government, fiscal responsibility, individual property rights, education reform, and public employee pension reform, all issues that resonate with the independent minded majority of Republicans who live in the strongly Republican District. He speaks to these issues with moral clarity, authority, boldness, conviction and consistency.

Read the rest of this great post.

What Do Ackerwoman, Galloway and Perez All Have In Common?

We don't live here. We're just pecking our way through...
We don't live here. We're just pecking our way through...

With the announcement by a woman named  Sue Perez (who is connected to the wackos at Trinity Broadcasting and seems to be a friend of Lorri Galloway), that she intends to run for 34th State Senate District, we have the spectacle of yet another candidate who doesn’t live in the district they want to represent.  The announcement by this woman who wants Senator Lou Correa’s job, got us to thinking about some of our recent aspirants for State and County office, including the Ackerwoman and Lorri Galloway, herself.

We all know by now that Ackerwoman lives in Irvine, but wants to represent North OC in the State Assembly; Galloway lives in Anaheim Hills – in the 3rd Supervisorial District – but claims to be running for the 4th District.

Other than that they are all females, a common denominator is that any one could soon be using the yard next door as their phony residence. Of course we have left out Harry Sidhu who, like Galloway, lives in the 3rd District.

The Trouble With Harry? He doesn't live in the 4th District, either.
The Trouble With Harry? He doesn't live in the 4th District, either.

What is it with these birds? Can’t they just stay in their own yards?

Dick Ackerman For 4th District Supervisor?


What a guy...
What a guy...

Lost in the brouhaha over his wife’s sudden carpetbagging political ambitions in the 72nd State Assembly special election is the curious fact that Dick Ackerman is very likely going to be a resident soon of the 4th Supervisorial District.

We’re not real sure yet where the Ackermans have decided to take up their faux residence, but chances are pretty good it will be back in Dick’s old happy hunting grounds, surrounded by the love of all his old Fullerton Rotarian pals. And if he does “move” to Fullerton he would be able to throw his hat in the ring for termed-out Supervisor Chris Noby’s job.

Far-fetched? Well, maybe. But the Ackermans seem to be the type of folks who avoid leaving anything on the table, so Shawn Nelson would be well-advised to watch his back…

Galloway Announces Run For Supe


We just came across a post by Art Pedroza over at his Orange Juice blog about Anaheim City Councilwoman Lorri Galloway announcing a 4th District County Supe campaign kick-off event.

A while back our friend Joe Sipowicz speculated that Galloway might have been nothing but a shill for John Lewis; a shill whose job it was to get Harry Sidhu to back down and preserve the Anaheim vote for Tom Daly – the heir apparent as selected by John Lewis.

Now it seems that Joe’s guesses were off the mark; or if that Galloway was just supposed to be a shill she is one no longer. In any case this seems like really bad news for both Daly and Sidhu who, if they go through with their plans must split the Anaheim vote one more time.

A Sign of Things to Come

We keep hearing that County Clerk Tom Daly wants to be our next county supervisor, replacing Chris Norby, the current job holder, who is termed out next year.

We have never cared much for the idea – not because Tom isn’t a likable sort of fellow, but instead because he has held a series of government jobs in and around the County since the 1980s and we don’t relish the thought of being represented by a typical insider, career politician-type.

What really worries us is the fact that the Democrat Daly is being energetically promoted by one-time conservative Republican John Lewis, the campaign consultant/lobbyist whose modus operandi is to get ’em into office and then begin to lobby ’em.

But back to the Daly campaign. Apart from Daly’s announcement away back in March – six months ago – we’ve heard virtually nothing about the his campaign, except that Lewis paid a loud visit to Chris Norby a few months ago trying to secure the latter’s endorsement for his man Daly. He didn’t get it.

So we’ve decided to help the Daly campaign. To that end we’ve designed a nifty campaign sign, several thousand of which we plan to decorate the Fourth Supervisorial District if in fact, Daly does decide to run after all. Hope you like it!


Money Matters…Or Does It? The Potential Backfire of Big Bucks


A couple of weeks ago a girlFriend forwarded an e-mail she received from County Clerk candidate Chris Norby – who also happens to be our termed-out 4th District County Supervisor. The e-mail and the website to which it directed us, made a big deal about all the money Norby had accumulated in his quest to “preserve our vital records.” We wrote about it here and here and here .

Although we understand the importance of the moolah, we have to say that we were struck by the unseemliness of this pitch. Could it really backfire?

The only reason Norby can command a fundraising advantage over his competitors is because he is a sitting county supervisor, a job that permits him to exert more than a little fundraising leverage on the squadron of lobbyists and interests that normally pour money into County political campaigns. The idea that Norby would get support from lobbyists for any other purpose is ridiculous. No lobbyists care who the County Clerk is and have no incentive to invest in one. And in any case nobody believes that Norby is better qualified to be a County Clerk than some guy picked at random walking down Main Street.

If I did it you could do it. What about that guy over there?
If I did it you could do it. What about that guy over there?

Seen in this light, suddenly the money advantage starts to look a lot like a political fire sale, a sale in which the proceeds will continually diminish as Norby’s second term winds down and lobbyists perceive that their “investments” in him have passed the point of diminishing returns.

Government shouldn’t be for sale – at least not seen to be for sale. At the very least the appearances of probity should be observed.