A Public Comment to the General Plan Advisory Committee By Judith Kaluzny

I ask that you remove the reference to a Business Improvement District from your draft of a general plan.  I understand the mention is to “encourage” a business improvement district.  A business improvement district is a tax on businesses, collected as a property tax by the county tax assessor, in a defined area.  It can be based on property ownership–and the owners pass the costs along to their tenants; or on individual businesses in the district.

This is found in the codes of the State of California in the Streets and Highways code.  Thing is, a city can assist a BID ONLY AFTER the business people on their own form a group, plan the boundaries, get a petition signed to ask for having a BID.  A BID is NOT for paying for regular maintenance of an area, but for improvements.  An executive director will be hired, and a board of directors elected–another level of government and taxation for your small downtown businesses in this case.

The redevelopment department, inappropriately, has already tried that for $3,000 paid to a consultant and a balance in the accounts for another $27,000 for that consultant.  Four meetings were held; I attended all, as did Cameron Irons and Mr. Terranova.  Only at the last meeting did about five other business owners attend.  And I had handed out many fliers to alert downtown businesses.

A year or two before that, Cameron Irons sent out a survey to downtown property owners regarding a BID.  He gave me copies of the 12 or 14 replies.  All were against it, but two said, if you are going to have it, we will participate.

The Nicole Coats had a meeting or two to gin up support for a BID.  The two people (me and Henry Jones) who indicated willingness to participate were not invited.  Those meeting with Nicole Coats–Cameron Irons, Terranova, Theresa Harvey, and two or three more chose the consultant.  Paul Dunlap said he was invited, but declined to participate.

The idea of a BID for downtown arose when Councilmember Quirk asked if there wasn’t some way to get money for paying for the costs of maintaining downtown.  Redevelopment Director Zur Schmeide told her that a business improvement district might be a way.

When the consultant was hired, I talked to both the city manager and Councilmember Quirk.  Mr Meyer said, “we have an eight block area that is costing us over million and a half dollars a year.  We have to do something.” Councilmember Quirk also spoke of a BID paying for the excess costs of maintaining the restaurant overlay district.

This is not the appropriate use or purpose of a BID! And it is by law supposed to arise from the grass roots business people, not top down from the city to get tax money for maintenance.

What I see happening is that if a BID were established for downtown, the only people who would have time or interest to serve on the board of directors will be restaurant/bar owners.  Then they will vote to spend the taxes raised for maintenance so the city will not be so burdened by the bar district.  (Which burden the city council created by abolishing CUPs for restaurants downtown.)

The Downtown Fullerton Restaurant Association is a non profit listed as c/o Cameron Irons, 118 North State College Boulevard, same address as Vanguard Investment Properties.

It Takes Courage To Say No

A while back we did a post about the value of saying NO. Today let’s look at someone else who appreciated the importance of putting one’s foot down: the two-term President Grover Cleveland.

No, No, No.

Back when Grover was the Governor of New York, he said “no” when Chatuatauqua County proposed to spend tax dollars for a soldiers monument. He said “no” to the Fredonia Library Association, which sought to be relieved of paying local taxes. He said “no” to the town of Elmira, which tried to avoid liability for personal injuries occurred by those traveling its unsafe streets and roads. He even said “no” to Fayetteville, his boyhood hometown, when they wanted to borrow money for the purchase of a new steam fire engine.

Cleveland kept his promise that he would be a guardian of the people’s interest, which meant guarding the keys to the people’s dinero.

Why is this relevant? Because saying “no” to police unions, fire unions, teachers, prison guards, custodians, bailout bankers, and subsidy-sucking union allies is often the right thing to do.

Davenport Protesters: Nobody Should Be Allowed to Criticize Obama

Project Islamic H.O.P.E and the NAACP paid a visit to Fullerton today to protest at the home of Marilyn Davenport, the OC GOP Central Committee member who has drawn fire from just about everyone everywhere for sending out an email depicting Barack Obama as a chimpanzee.

An outcry against racism? Sure. Calls for Davenport’s resignation? OK. But these protesters seem to have something else in mind:

Does the office of the presidency demand unconditional love and respect? Should Americans not be “allowed” to insult the President?


Saying Goodbye To Alan Morton

WWII 457th Bomb Group B‐17 turret gunner

Molly McClannahan used to call Alan Morton “The Conscience of Fullerton.”

At some point back in the 1990’s, the city retained an expensive consultant to design a sign to be painted on the Union Pacific bridge (my idea) over Harbor Blvd.  Alan voluntarily designed the “Welcome to Downtown Fullerton” sign on his home computer, saving the city thousands of dollars.

Alan would constantly question city staff’s wisdom of using legal size paper for staff reports instead of letter size, which is what they use today. Staff’s answer was that they had no choice because the file cabinets were designed for legal size paper.

One of my all time favorite council meetings (I’ll have to YouTube it someday) was when Alan chucked an illegally placed Sa For Council sign during the public comments and the sign almost hit Sa en la cabesa. You go Alan!

I believe it was the great recall that really got Alan energized as an activist. From there, it was off to the races for Alan. He continuously ragged on the council to televise council meetings, and now they are. He would speak on almost every important item on the council’s agenda. His activism helped save Fullerton taxpayers millions of dollars.

Recently, at the ripe age of 86, Alan was having breakfast with three of his buddies. While chatting with one of the servers, Alan took a deep breath and that was it for our feisty old Friend. Alan gave of himself and asked for nothing in return. People like Alan Morton are Fullerton’s Future.

Click here to read Alan’s Obituary

The City Seal

A while back one of our fans suggested we’d get sued by the City for use of the City seal. (we didn’t). And that go me thinking about the seal itself. So let’s talk about it.

“Designed by artist Tom Van Sant in 1962, the figures shown in the seal are stylized depictions of the qualities important to the City of Fullerton. The orange tree refers to the City’s agricultural beginnings; the man, woman and child represent families; and the open book represents the City’s commitment to providing education and cultural opportunities to its citizens.”

Nothing says 1962 like Fullerton City Hall

It’s a real, stylized period piece, alright. Just like the building it adorns. Like it? Hate it? Don’t give a damn?

Foodies of Fullerton Arise! You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Waistlines!

We just received an e-mail from the Friendly proprietor of a Fullerton blog that promotes cookery in Our Town. It’s called “The Altruist’s Cookbook.” Here’s the link.

Tastes just like like chicken...

This individual goes by the blog moniker “Kattus Petasatus” which we think is a Latin translation of “please don’t eat the cat.”