Unsolved Mysteries: Two Fullerton Cops Suddenly Put on Paid Leave

In response to a public records request, the FPD’s Professional Standards Bureau just told us:

Officer “H” was placed on administrative leave on July 8th, 2011. As of the last pay period ending July 22nd, the total salary for officer “H” is $3015.36

Officer “I” was placed on administrative leave on July 10th, 2011. As of the last pay period ending July 22nd, the total salary for officer “I” is $2871.76.

So now the big question is…were these officers involved in the Kelly Thomas beating?

Perhaps you maybe be able to help solve... nevermind.

We’re not allowed to know the answer to that. But we do know that one of those leaves began three days after the event, and the other went into effect on the Sunday that Kelly Thomas was removed from life support.

For the record, these were the 8th and 9th Fullerton police officers to be put on paid leave pending an internal investigation in the past three years. Those nine officers earned a total of $227,595.92 for not working.

So What’s The DA Up To?

See that guy over there? We couldn't locate him.

I’ve just heard from Mark Turgeon, an eye witness in the Kelly Thomas police beating death that he has NOT been contacted by the Orange County District Attorney’s office. You may remember that the District Attorney is supposed to be investigating the horrific incident.

Since the event happened almost three weeks ago, this is rather disturbing. This individual was immediately questioned by Fullerton police so there is no reason that the DA doesn’t have the ability to follow up with a crucial witness.

You may remember that the Coroner has already said that the cause of death is uncertain.

So what gives?



Saturday: Protest At The Police Station

FFFF Friend Andy Anderson has organized a second protest that’s scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on the corner of Highland and Commonwealth in Fullerton.

If you can, bring a poster board and make a sign on site. This is your opportunity to send your own personal message to the FPD letting them know what you think of the brutal killing of a local homeless man named Kelly Thomas.

There is a Facebook page to help organize the event.

The FPD Lie: Broken Bones. Nope.

The Fullertonian is reporting that the officers who got into a “scuffle” with Kelly Thomas did NOT suffer from broken bones, as erroneously reported in news broadcasts.

So where did this lie come from? Well, we know that FPD spokesman Andrew Goodrich fed that line to Matt Coker of the OCWeekly, as indicated in his July 7th article on the incident. So it’s safe to assume that Goodrich squeaked that one to the rest of the media outlets as well.

Of course Goodrich let the lie float around for two weeks while he ran damage control for the invisible chief.

Whitaker Says “Release the Video!”

FullertonStories.com just published this letter from councilmember Bruce Whitaker, in which he demands that the video and audio recordings of the July 5th police beating of Kelly Thomas be released to the public.

Read the letter

Don’t forget to check out the printed responses of the other councilmembers, including McKinley who says “I disagree with that last sentence about releasing the video.  It isn’t a wise thing to do and is for the authorities to do.”

What does that mean?

Go Home or Go To Jail

Awhile back Grover Cleveland posted on how the Fullerton City Council’s creation of a mess downtown led to the rise of an FPD goon squad to quell the crime wave. The only problem was that the FPD goon squad added to the crime wave. Here’s a reminder. An innocent bystander is beat up and arrested. Later he is tried for assaulting a cop to which Fullerton cops Kenton Hampton and Framk Nguyen swear in a court of law. Only problem is it didn’t happen, but that didn’t stop the FPD and the DA from trying to put an innocent man in prison.

Interview with a Witness of the Kelly Thomas Police Killing

Watch this FFFF interview of Mark Turgeon, who says he witnessed the beating to death of Kelly Thomas by Fullerton police on July 5, 2011.

Here are the notable claims:

  • The police officers were shouting “stop resisting” while the homeless man lay still and cried out for his dad.
  • There was video taken by a local real estate agent, but the police wanted to look at it and now nobody knows where it went.
  • The beating was very bloody, went on for 10 or 15 minutes and stopped when man went silent.
  • The man was Tasered several times during the beating
  • Approximately 50 people witnessed the beating, but they were reluctant to give police a statement on what they saw.