When we heard Mr. Frisbee mention former Redevelopment employee Terry Galvin’s name at the recent Council meeting regarding the McDonald’s boondoggle, we started to reflect on the span of his career.
Even though he has been retired for several years, Galvin’s influence still pervades almost every downtown debacle and disaster – including the ongoing McDonald’s relocation and the disgrace of the poisoned UP Park.
We though it might be fun to trace some of the highlights of Terry’s 25 year Redevelopment career to illustrate the influence one person can have over the lives and wealth of so many:
- Harbor Blvd. Removal of parking
- Construction and removal of concrete trestles along Harbor
- Pansy Law subsidy
- Bank of Italy demolition/acquisition
- Knowlwood Corner fiasco
- Depot North platform design failure and cover-up
- Allen Hotel blight-to-blight fiasco
- Permanent disfigurement and illegal remodel of original Masonic Temple building
- SRO catastrophe
- Eminent domain for now long-gone Toyota dealership
- Acqusition of UP (aka Paseo) park property & right-of-way
- Brick veneer and stucco on dozens of significant buildings
- Conversion of downtown Fullerton from commercial to high density residential
- Slotsy’s Depot platform embarrassment and cover-up
- Interference in contract @ Dean Block bld.
- The Depot ceiling screwup
To us the most interesting question about Galvin’s reign of error was how he managed to avoid discipline, let alone termination for his string of disasters that adorn Fullerton’s downtown like a string of cheap beads. It could only have happened in an environment free of accountability, and with the complicity of elected officials who not only tolerated this failure, but were also complicit in it.
And that, Dear Friends is why city councilmembers actually keep bragging about what has been “accomplished” in downtown Fullerton; and why, rather than disbanding the Agency, they prefer to expand it!