
  • Anonymous on What if It Blows Up?: “Thanks, Young Tom Edison.Feb 20, 20:30
  • Anonymous on What if It Blows Up?: “The odds of an electrical transformer spontaneously exploding and causing injuries is very low. Yes, it does happen but it’s…Feb 20, 20:22
  • The Fullerton Shadow on What if It Blows Up?: “That was my husband.Feb 20, 20:03
  • Anonymous on What if It Blows Up?: “Tell more. How do you know such things?Feb 20, 20:03
  • Mahomes on What if It Blows Up?: “Haven’t heard from The Fullerton Shadow in a while. Welcome back onto the grid! Heck, the last time I remember…Feb 20, 17:29
  • Scott Norton on What if It Blows Up?: “Notice Mulberry’s owner, Brandon, did not show up to the final meeting on 1-21-25? He must have realized the gig…Feb 20, 14:16
  • Anonymous on What if It Blows Up?: “Oh……So that’s why it always appeared to be for the benefit of Mulberry. Because it was for the benefit of…Feb 20, 13:03
  • Fullerton Troll on What if It Blows Up?: “The restaurant obviously knew, and let their patrons be at risk. Unbelievable. Even for Fullerton, this is over the top.…Feb 20, 11:23
  • Dr. my A on What if It Blows Up?: “Welcome to the real-world folks! Regular maintenance is indeed crucial to prevent potential hazards from happening. The incident at Old…Feb 19, 19:01
  • Just Off Euclid on What if It Blows Up?: “I love the fact that the City Manager had to get involved to save the Wank on Wilshire. Public safety…Feb 19, 18:09
  • Anonymous on What if It Blows Up?: “Haha. Without the public record request this would never have come out. We need to know if the City in…Feb 19, 17:17
  • Anonymous on What if It Blows Up?: “Why do the Bushali Brothers hate everything good in Fullerton?Feb 19, 16:03
  • Fullerton Historian on What if It Blows Up?: “There are almost always unintended consequences when government employees try to play developer and there are no consequences. In the…Feb 19, 14:08
  • Anonymous on What if It Blows Up?: “The knucklehead is a Q.S.D. I wonder if we pay him extra for that. Bet so.Feb 19, 13:42
  • Anonymous on What if It Blows Up?: “Because building a porch on a public road wasn’t bad enough.Feb 19, 13:25
  • Anonymous on What if It Blows Up?: “No no no, this is Bushala’s fault. This has to be misinformation. Sharon Kennedy said so! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS…Feb 19, 11:27
  • Anonymous on What if It Blows Up?: “Makes you wonder what other embarrassments never come to light. Is it just the tip of the iceberg?Feb 19, 11:22
  • The Fullerton Harpoon on What if It Blows Up?: “No we’ll never get a good answer. The City and its $300,000 milquetoast Manager were desperate to keep the only…Feb 19, 11:20
  • Anonymous on The Trail to Nowhere. Radio Silence With The Capital: “Yes, it could be that everyone has given up. It may be because the original budget left out so much…Feb 19, 11:09
  • The Fullerton Harpoon on Baron Bettenhausen Belches Bilge Water: “She didn’t do anything wrong, chap, so there goes your narrative.Feb 19, 08:59