Awhile back Grover Cleveland posted on how the Fullerton City Council’s creation of a mess downtown led to the rise of an FPD goon squad to quell the crime wave. The only problem was that the FPD goon squad added to the crime wave. Here’s a reminder. An innocent bystander is beat up and arrested. Later he is tried for assaulting a cop to which Fullerton cops Kenton Hampton and Framk Nguyen swear in a court of law. Only problem is it didn’t happen, but that didn’t stop the FPD and the DA from trying to put an innocent man in prison.
Watch this FFFF interview of Mark Turgeon, who says he witnessed the beating to death of Kelly Thomas by Fullerton police on July 5, 2011.
Here are the notable claims:
- The police officers were shouting “stop resisting” while the homeless man lay still and cried out for his dad.
- There was video taken by a local real estate agent, but the police wanted to look at it and now nobody knows where it went.
- The beating was very bloody, went on for 10 or 15 minutes and stopped when man went silent.
- The man was Tasered several times during the beating
- Approximately 50 people witnessed the beating, but they were reluctant to give police a statement on what they saw.
Wow, this seems like a long time ago. Still nothing posted on line.

I just met with Ron Thomas, father of deceased Kelly Thomas, at the Fullerton Transportation Center. He and his daughter were posting fliers around the Fullerton Sante Fe train depot & OCTA bus terminal in the hopes of talking to witnesses that were present on the night his son was brutally beaten to death.
For all those who care, there is a candlelight vigil tonight at the Fullerton Transportation Center at 7:00 pm.
Ron Thomas did say that the entire deadly beating of his son by six cops was caught on the city’s camera (the same camera that we reported on here two days ago.) Ron also said that the police will not let him look at the video to see what happened to his son.
According to ABC News, Kelly Thomas, who was beaten into a comatose state by Fullerton police last week has been taken off life support, and is dead.
Police claim that they responded to a call that someone was breaking into cars at the Transportation Center. According to police a spokesman “probably” six police officers eventually became involved in what they allege was a combative Thomas. His father, a former County Sheriff’s Deputy, says his son’s head was beaten into an unrecognizable state; other witnesses has said the man was Tasered multiple times.
Will anybody in a position of authority in Fullerton do the right thing and demand a full and independent outside inquiry into this homicide? Don’t hold your breath, Friends.
We heard that Tuesday’s beating of a homeless man to near-death by Fullerton police may have been within range of one of the city’s surveillance cameras at the Fullerton Transportation Center…and so we sent our camera man over to check it out:
It looks like the camera had a clear shot of the bloody event. I suppose that if there is a tape, we won’t get to see it unless it exonerates the cops who were involved.
On the other hand, damning evidence will be held tightly by the city so as not to embarrass anyone or facilitate the requisite citizen outrage.
All the public can do is ask and see what happens.
Even so, the last resort in the quest for transparency would lie with our elected councilmembers, who are ultimately responsible for ensuring the safety of the public and can demand to see the recording for themselves.

And by senseless I mean near-death coma and artificial life-support.
Reader DollarBill shares this link to ABC Eyewitness News detailing the story of a homeless man with a history of mental illness, who, when confronted by “probably” six FPD officers at the Fullerton Transportation Center the other day is alleged to have resisted arrest. 37 year-old Kelly Thomas never made it to jail. After being subdued into a state of unrecognizable unconsciousness he was transported to the hospital where he is on life support.
Witnesses refused to appear on camera but claim to shouted to the cops to stop.
Our old friend police spokesman Andrew Goodrich says there will be an investigation (internal, of course) and that any inappropriate behavior will come out. Uh, yeah sure, Andy, whatever you say.
In the meantime you can bet on two things: the DA will do nothing, and the man’s family, including his dad, an ex-Sheriff Deputy will bring suit against us Fullerton taxpayers.