Children of La Habra: Merry Christmas from FFFF!

The La Habra teachers’ union ended its strike early on Wednesday morning, just a few hours before some Fullerton Friends were set to launch an all out counter-attack on behalf of all La Habran children who have been victimized by union members for nearly a week.

Yes, it’s unfortunate that we didn’t get to strut our stuff for the crowd. But we did end up with a great Christmas card for our loyal FFFF readers! Enjoy:

And Friends, hang on to those signs. They may come in handy sooner than you think.

Who’s Got the Huevos?

Maybe our La Habran neighbors to the north do. Their school board is now facing a strike by the La Habra Teachers’ Association, a body of both the CTA and the NEA unions. The issue? Their school board has given them a minuscule 2% pay cut and then refuses to call it “temporary.”

Negotiations had failed after several months and so the board was forced to impose increases in health care contributions as well as a reduction of 2 instructional days in order to deal with a 22% budget shortfall.

Amazing. A 22% budget hole and the teachers only had to take a 2% pay cut, and yet the union still plays the strike card.

Back in Fullerton, Superintendent Mitch Hovey has already articulated grave concern about pending negotiations, and Fullerton is in essentially the same financial straights as La Habra. It will be very interesting to see how our illustrious teachers’ union and our new school board deal with these issues.