The Lenny Bruce of Blogs

We just received this e-mail from a Friend.

He knew it would be like this...

Dear FFFF, the wife and I just rented the movie “Lenny” with Dustin Hoffman as the comedian Lenny Bruce. I almost immediately thought of your blog.

Lenny Bruce was well-aware of the power of mindless convention – the way our society hides its flaws and resists change by a smothering blanket of linguistic propriety.

In Fullerton the governing class has managed to perpetrate all of its follies for decades through an accepted code of silence masquerading as a brainless civility that would more accurately be described as servility. There has been zero accountability as amply demonstrated in your many Redevelopment series.

Neither the Observer crowd, nor the Rotarian types, nor the Chamber of Commerce types will breath a word of criticism about City Hall – hell no, that would be rude. And anyway, docility is just so much safer and nicer and even more profitable if you’re nice to the right people.

Other local blogs cloak themselves in a mantle of self-righteousness that is just a cover for their own naked prejudices, hypocrisies, inadequacies and self-interest. You can’t spend all your time kissing the backsides of corrupt politicos and hope to accomplish anything except getting chapped lips.

Just to let you know, I appreciate the gonzo journalism approach. When you’re fed up, mad as hell, can’t take it anymore, you have to shout. You are performing a civic duty that nobody else will touch. Thanks.

“Fullerton Rudy”

Well, thanks, Rudy. And thanks for being a Friend of Fullerton!