Ackerwoman Sighting…

With all that money I made raising money for Dick I can buy a lot of stuff at Cosco!
With all that money I made raising money for Dick I can buy a lot of stuff at Cosco!

A Friend passed along  a tip just this morning that Linda 19% Ackerwoman was recently sighted shopping at Costco. Well, to actually be more specific, it was at the Costco in Irvine. What about shopping “Fullerton First” on the part of one of Fullerton’s more recent residents.

So do she and Dick still live in the “granny flat” in Dr. Dolan’s house? Inquiring minds want to know.

Marty Burbank Hopes Norby Has Short Memory

Well, you’ve gotta give Marty Burbank credit for unmitigated gall; or as my friend Jeffrey Goldfarb’s Nana used to say in Yiddish: chutzpah.

This Chamber of Commerce/Repuglican/Rotarian/Redevelopment cheerleader-type zero (think Dick Jones and you have the model) who wants to be on the Fullerton City Council, recently sent this supplicating letter to 4th District Supervisor Chris Norby. One of our fearless white van investigators got a hold of it.

Marty the One Man Party
Marty The One Man Party...

Marty wants Norby’s endorsement, and tries to grease up Chris a little bit about how much Norby loves his town and ergo should consider giving Burbank his endorsement.

But wait! Only two weeks before he sent his letter to Norby, Burbank was supporting Linda Ackerwoman in the 72ndSpecial Election primary; he made a contribution to her carpetbagging, lying, smear-filled campaign against Norby on October 9th. Burbank’s contribution went to fund the slime Ackerwoman threw at Norby.Oy vey!

It’s pretty clear that Burbank was following along with of many other Fullerton drones who were swayed by Dick Ackerman’s promises of easy victory lubricated by a big ol’ sack o’ Sacto lobbyist cash. Too bad Marty chose to participate personally in contributing to the defamation of Norby, as well as being a willing participant in the Ackerman, Inc scampaign, of course.

Now, we know Chris, and we know him to be a very forgiving kind of guy. But really, you’d think ol’ Marty could have waited more than a couple of weeks to come a knockin’ at Norby’s door.

Hopefully Norby won’t forget. We won’t. And that’s a promise.

Another Pellet Lands On Our Doorstep

On a post we did the other day about the Red County blog signing up a RINO, we received this choice nugget from our ethically challenged nemesis, Matthew J. Cunningham:

We’ll remember that when you faux conservatives on FFFF come out for Lou Correa next year.

Hmm. That was a pretty uninformed comment, even from our rodentine pal.

It's not true that we eat our young...
Yes, it's true. We eat our own babies.

As readers of this blog know, our primary aim is to promote political representatives that are accountable to their constituents, and not to themselves, the bureaucracy, or to lobbyists. Many of us happen to believe that conservatism is more likely to produce that result than liberalism. But we recognize all too well that plenty of so-called conservatives are the biggest government supported parasites we can think of. Consider the money machine that is Ackerman, Inc.

Faux? Poor Mr. Cunningham. Dragged down by the pecuniary interests of his boss John Lewis, he is forced to step and fetchit for the Democrat Tom Daly, making him not only just about as faux as you can get, but a sorry flunky, to boot. And here we  have hit the river bottom of the Repuglican food chain.

Come on in. The water's great!
Come on in. The water's great!

Lou Correa has his faults, to be sure. If a better candidate comes along we’ll be all for him or her. But if the alternative is some carpetbagging wacko Bible beater, seemingly backed by the same Repuglican machine that spit out Linda Ackerwoman, then  Hell, it looks like a pretty easy call.

What Makes Curt Pringle Tick?

I suck 'em dry and then fall off...
I suck 'em dry and then fall off...

We hear that Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle is raising money for Harry Sidhu’s putative bid for the 4th Supervisorial seat next year. Pringle deals with Sidhu on the Anaheim City Council, and Harry’s an okay guy, and at least he, like Pringle, is a Republican. But goddam it Pringle, Sidhu does not live in our district. He lives in the “Elegant Yorba Estate” that, unfortunately for him, is located in the 3rd District!

Who cares about them? What's in it for me?
A is for Anything I can get my greasy mitts on...

Let’s not forget that Pringle also endorsed the candidate with the phony residency in the 72nd AD election – Linda Ackerman, whose entire campaign was one fraudulence heaped on top of another. So what gives? Does basic honesty count for anything among our electeds?

Guys like Pringle and John Lewis are obviously into politics for what they can get out of it personally. Like Lewis, Pringle is a lobbyist, making his living off of all the contacts made during his days in the Legislature, and by making calls to people that he has helped. And that makes him just as big a government parasite as any government union worker.

So Who Does The Red Bottom Blog Support in the 4th Supervisorial Race?

Today Matt Cunningham deigned to visit our humble blog with about eleven hundred comments. Hell, I’m honored, I guess. What dedication! Now that he seems to be following us I thought I’d raise a topic that is becoming more timely than ever – the 4th Supervisor election that now could be decided in June 2010. 

Let’s see. The Red County blog is supposed to be a conservative Republican blog. So why hasn’t uber-Republican Matthew Cunningham come out with any endorsement in the OC 4th District Supervisorial race. We know that he just couldn’t find it in himself to go out on a limb and support Chris Norby over the unqualified, dishonest, carpetbagger from Irvine, Linda Ackerman – it was just such a close call; but c’mon now this one’s a freakin’ slam dunk fer crissakes.

Let’s help out Matt by reviewing the would be Supes:

1. Tom Daly – career government worker; Democrat.

2. Rosie Espinosa – Democrat and no doubt as “progressive” as they come.

3. Lorri Galloway – Democrat and no doubt as “progressive’ as the come. Oh, yeah!Carpetbagger!

4. Harry Sidhu – Republican but Carpetbagger; plus Cunningham has been taking shots at him as an unprincipled hack for several years.

5. Shawn Nelson – Conservative Republican who stood up to the unions and his RINO pals on the Fullerton City Council and who took a strong position against Fullerton’s phony Redevelopment expansion.

Well this is really a no-brainer for somebody who is supposed to be a conservative Republican. Whatdya say, Matt? Who are you supporting in this election?

Sugarwoman Sides With Deceit; Uses FSD e-mail To Do It!

My husband Dr. Sugarman is rich

Since we at FFFF like sharing so much, I thought we would share this email with our Friends.  I wonder if it ever occurred to Hilda Sugarwoman that her old pal Linda Ackerwoman moved to Irvine a long, long time ago. It’s been 10 years. Maybe, just maybe, Hilda lost track of time? You know… being so busy with all her laptops for all the kids programs and critical school stuff like that.

Did you notice how she used the school’s official email address to send out a political message? Sorry Hilda, but that sort of thing  is a no-no – although FSD officials mixing work and politics has a long and noble history. It’s all about the children, right? Anyway, enjoy:

From: Hilda Sugarman <>
Subject: Linda for Assembly
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 9:35 PM

Dear Friends:

Today I received an Absentee Ballot regarding our open Assembly seat.  That prompted me to share with you my reasons for supporting Linda Ackerman.

I have known Linda Ackerman for over 25 years. We started as PTA Board members together.  She has evolved into an experienced, knowledgeable leader through the years.  When her husband, Senator Dick Ackerman went to Sacramento as an Assemblyman, Linda moved with him.   She has been at Dick’s side in support of our community.  Linda knows Sacramento, elected representatives and how to accomplish what needs to be done within the system.  Her knowledge and experiences will enable her to make the right decisions.  She is equipped to step right into the job.  She is the best qualified candidate for the job.

Please join me in support of Linda Ackerman.

Hilda Sugarman




Linda “19%” Ackerwoman has until February 28, 2010 to fess up to her phony Fullerton residency or lose her coveted seat on the Metropolitan Water District Board.

She still represents the Metropolitan Water District of Orange County on the MWD Board, but her phony “granny flat” at the Dolans is outside that district, which does include her real home (2 Mineral King) in Irvine.

According to MWDOC bylaws, she will lose her seat if she lives outside its service area for more than 6 months.

Of course, she could keep up the ruse and try to seize Fullerton’s own seat on the MWD Board, long held (20+ years) by old Buck Catlin crony Jim Blake.

Could the Ackermans’ launch a challenge to Blake? Where would Linda’s council backers Bankhead and Jones stand? Would Keller and Quirk fall for the “woman thing” or an ABB (Anyone But Blake) sentiment? The longer she remains registered in Fullerton, the more credible an anti-Blake coup becomes!

Far-fetched? Maybe. After all,  Blake’s an old Ackerman klingon, too.

Reregister, now, Linda. Take your 19% and Roski money with you and stay on the MWD Board representing your real home in Irvine.

The Ackerwoman for Assembly Hall of Shame

On another thread Fullerton School Board member and seemingly clueless Ackerwoman supporter, Minard Duncan, popped up like a milk weed to question our apparent dislike of his fellow Ackerwoman cheerleader Mimi Walters.

This jump started an earlier idea to publish the names of all the lackeys, stooges and repuglicans who signed onto Ackerman Inc.’s Big Lie Tour of 2009.

This is a list of the elected officials that decided their best interests lay in the endorsement of Linda Ackerman for the 72nd Assembly District. Enjoy the asinine quotations at the bottom of the page and be sure to pick out your favorites on the list for special attention. We have helpfully highlighted in red the names of politicians in whose elections Fullerton voters will get to participate.

I supported Linda, a great American...
Members of Congress
  • Congressman Ed Royce
  • Congressman Dana Rohrabacher
  • Former Congressman Bill Dannemeyer

Statewide Elected Officials

  • BOE Member Bill Leonard
  • Former State Secretary of Education and Mayor of Los Angeles Richard Riordan

State Senators

  • Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth
  • Former Senate Republican Leader Jim Brulte
  • Former Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman
  • Former Senator Marian Bergeson
  • Senator Mark Wyland
  • Senator Mimi Walters
  • Senator Bob Huff
  • Senator Bob Dutton
  • Senator George Runner
  • Senator Sam Aanestad 
  • Senator John Benoit 
  • Senator Abel Maldonado
  • Senator Dave Cox

State Assemblymembers

  • Former Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines
  • Assemblyman Jim Silva
  • Assemblyman Joel Anderson
  • Assemblyman Ted Gaines
  • Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher
  • Assemblywoman Diane Harkey
  • Former Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher
  • Former Assemblywoman Sharon Runner
  • Former Assemblyman Tom Bordonaro
  • Former Assemblyman Openmike Duval
  • Former Assemblywoman Marilyn Brewer

Orange County

  • Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens
  • Orange County Supervisor Pat Bates
  • Orange County Supervisor Bill Campbell
  • Orange County Supervisor Janet Ngyuen
  • Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas
  • Former Orange County Supervisor Cynthia Coad


  • Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle


  • Fullerton Mayor Don Bankhead
  • Fullerton Councilmember Dick Jones
  • Former Mayor of Fullerton Buck Catlin
  • Former Mayor Leland Wilson
  • Former Mayor Peter Godfry
  • Former Mayor of Fullerton Jerry Christie
  • Former Mayor of Fullerton Linda LeQuire
  • Former Fullerton Police Chief Pat McKinley


  • Former Placentia Mayor Scott Brady
  • Placentia Councilmember Jeremy Yamaguchi


  • City of Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche
  • City of Orange Councilmember Mark Murphy
  • City of Orange Councilmember Jon Dumitru

Yorba Linda

  • Yorba Linda Mayor Mark Schwing
  • Yorba Linda Councilmember Jim Winder

Villa Park

  • Villa Park Mayor Pro Tem Bill Mac Aloney


  • Brea Mayor John Beauman
  • Brea Councilmember Roy Moore

La Habra

  • La Habra Councilmember James Gomez
  • La Habra Councilmember Steve Simonian
  • Former La Habra Mayor Juan Garcia
  • Former La Habra City Councilmember John Holmberg

Elected Leaders

  • Tustin Mayor Doug Davert
  • Tustin Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Amante
  • Laguna Hills Mayor Joel Lautenschleger
  • City of Covina Mayor Walt Allen
  • Newport Beach City Councilmember Steven Rosansky
  • Capistrano Unified School District Trustee, Anna Bryson
  • Fullerton School District Trustees Maynard Duncan, Ellan Ballard, Hilda Sugarman, Lynn Thornly.

“Having called North Orange County her home for over 30 years, Linda is by far the most experienced and effective candidate for Assembly. She is a respected leader who will restore dignity to the office while fighting for Orange County values.”- Former Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher

“Linda has been a steadfast conservative leader in Orange County for many years. She will be ready to lead on the important budget issues facing the region and the state on day one.”- Assemblywoman Diane Harkey

“I am proud to stand by Linda in her campaign to promote conservative leadership and higher standards to the California State Assembly.”

– State Senator Mimi Walters.

“Linda Ackerman is an experienced leader who has proven her dedication to the community time and time again, I am proud to support her campaign for State Assembly because I know she will be ready to lead on the issues our state faces on day one after being elected.”- Senator Bob Huff

“Linda Ackerman has always done what is right for the sake of the community, not political gain. She is a proven leader who will help solve California’s budget crisis and bring Orange County values to the State Assembly.”- City of Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche

“Linda Ackerman is an experienced businesswoman and community leader who I trust to help balance the budget and rein in out of control spending in Sacramento. North Orange County needs Linda in the Assembly fighting for real budget reform.” – Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle

“We need an experienced leader who will fight for North Orange County. That’s why I’m supporting Linda Ackerman for State Assembly,” Fullerton Mayor Don Bankhead

“When it comes to the safety of our children, Linda Ackerman will never back down.”- Former Fullerton Police Chief Pat McKinley

“I wholeheartedly endorse Linda in her campaign for Assembly. As a businesswoman and community philanthropist she has been an active leader in North Orange County and is by far the best person to represent us in the Assembly” -Yorba Linda Mayor Mark Schwing

Paid For by Ackerman for Assembly 2009, FPPC ID #1321372

Who Is Mimi Walters and How Did We Get Stuck With Her?

Okay, scrunch together...
We are stymied. Supply your own caption...

Mimi is the senator representing most of Fullerton in the 33rd State Senate District – so bequeathed by Dick Ackerman who made sure that some (but not all) of Fullerton was kept in his 33rd when redistricting occurred in 2001. Walters lives somewhere down near the beach but is our representative! Ah! Ackermanism, the gift that keeps giving.

In the fun photo above, Mimi Walters is the slender woman in pink, getting crushed by her good pal Mike Duvall’s tub of guts.

Why are we picking on Walters? Because to put it simply, her political presence in Fullerton is a pure expression of the repuglicanism propagated by the Ackermans and their cronies. Walters is a long-time buddy of Ackerman, Inc. and, like Mike Duvall, owes her political success to that gang. Naturally she would endorse a carpetbagging, no-ability zero like Linda Ackerman to represent us. Hell, that’s just par for the course.

But her latest episode is just as bad. Apparently she is the Campaign Co-chair for some creature named Sue Perez who wants to unseat State Senator Lou Correa for the 34th Senate job. Orange Juice blog has done a post on the subject, here. The 34th District includes a good-sized chunk of south-central Fullerton. And that makes it our business.

Well, guess what? Sue Perez doesn’t live in the 34th District! Quel surprise!She also has no political history, no record, no nothing, except that she seems to have some connection to the nut-jobs at the Trinity Broadcasting Network, and is pals with Lorri Galloway – another carpetbagger. Perez has hired Mimi Walter’s campaign consultant as an indication of her seriousness.

We would like to think that Mimi W. would have taken some time to soberly reflect upon the humiliation visited upon Linda Ackerwoman before embarking on another voyage into the same turbulent waters, but apparently such was not the case. Could the Gang find no one with even a shred of plausibility? Guess not. In the end it won’t matter much because Correa will win comfortably. Still, it would be nice to have a real opponent for Lou in the election.

So soon someone may have to festoon central Fullerton with a whole new round of “carpetbagger” signs. There’s just no rest for the weary!

In Puccini’s opera La Boheme, an undernourished Mimi finally succumbs to “consumption” in Act IV. Our Mimi may be a little harder to be rid of. But can we really afford any more of this sort of thing?

The 72nd Assembly District Election Highlights Possibility for Restoration for the Soul of the Republican Party

This great post  was written the other day right here in Fullerton by our good Friend and fellow blogger Martha Martelongo, about the 72nd election as a watershed for the OC GOP. Enjoy!

MarthaThis past Tuesday night, I was in Orange County for the special election to fill the seat vacated by the disgraced, resigned, Republican, Mike Duvall, for the 72nd State Assembly district. Duvall was handpicked by the entrenched ethically bankrupt establishment of the Orange County GOP. The same group that handpicked, Linda Ackerman, whom they thought would be a shoe-in, because she is the wife of former Republican Senate minority leader, Dick Ackerman.

The winner in that race, Chris Norby, born in the City of Fullerton, in the heart of the District, has been a teacher, a City Councilman, a County Supervisor. His politics have earned him a reputation for being a staunch defender and innovative leader for limited government, fiscal responsibility, individual property rights, education reform, and public employee pension reform, all issues that resonate with the independent minded majority of Republicans who live in the strongly Republican District. He speaks to these issues with moral clarity, authority, boldness, conviction and consistency.

Read the rest of this great post.