Der Pringle Creeps Out of Shadow, Into OCTax Light

I will be conducting your future

We got wind of a press release put out the other day by an organization called “OCTax,” an organization that purports to be an advocate for taxpayers, yet in actuality is little but a vehicle for political endorsements and self-promotion of its president and officers.

So naturally Anaheim’s former Mayor-for-Hire Kurt Pringle would be a great Chairman of this operation. This greatness has been thrust upon him at an annual general membershp meeting. Now he won’t have to pull the strings from behind the curtain.

Another officer includes Pringle Pal Lucy Dunn, who seems to be intent on using any organization for her own self-promotion.

The best part of the press release is the description of the 29 boardmembers of this entity, a group that endorsed the unendorsable Pringle Puppet, Carpetbagging Haibag Sidhu – which not only reveals the moral lassitude of this endorsement-for-pay operation, but its practical incompetence, too, since Hairball went down like the RMS Titanic .

Glub, glub, glub....

Here’s the fun description:

These Board Members represent a wide variety of private companies, public agencies and non-profit organizations throughout the county.

Holy Politburo! “Public entities and non-profit organizations” represented in a tax advocacy group? Well, folks, that tells you just about all you need to know about OCTax. Stay tuned in 2011 for big ARTIC and high speed rail sink hole boosterism, and in 2012 for an endorsement slate that best fits Der Pringle’s vision for his own healthy revenue stream.

“Quit Lying, Sidhu!” Says OCTAX

Looks like Hide and Seek Sidhu has been claiming he has the endorsement of the OCTAXPAC. Well, not anymore as the boss of the operation points out. Has Hairball been misleading folks again? Bad boy!

In the meantime it will be very interesting to see if the same people who were bamboozled into supporting the newly minted Democrat-hugging Sidhu will be persuaded by the Pringle types to screw up again.