God-Awful Godfrey Making A Comeback?

Comin' out of retirement!

Word on Commonwealth Avenue is that former Council member Peter Godfrey is contemplating a return to the ring of elected politics in Fullerton. True? I don’t know, but I do know that the Establishment Repuglicans need to start lining up some plausible ‘pugs to go for the new openings, and the usual Dick Ackerman/Ed Royce RINO tribe  is almost exhausted.

For those who don’t remember Peter Godfrey’s hollow, staff-stooge tenure on the council in the mid-90s, we noted his presence, here, to cheerlead for Fullerton’s Redevelopment expansion. That alone should suffice to present an adequate political character profile of Our Man Godfrey.

Also of note is the fact that he was nominated for a 2009 Fringie Award in the category of Scariest Ghost of Fullerton Past. He might well have have won, too, if not for the horrifying appearance of his old pal, Linda LeQuire (shudder).

Well, we knew the ‘Pugs had to come up with somebody, no matter how cadaverous, but Godfrey? Yikes.

Fringe For All: Spine Chilling Horror!


During 2009 several disturbing apparitions were detected haunting Fullerton. Friends, be assured, this is not a task we undertake lightly, for obvious macabre reasons. Here are the spooky nominations in the Fringie category of Scariest Ghost of Fullerton Past.

1. Former City Council woman and my former owner Jan Flory appeared out of nowhere in January to persecute innocent lads on bicycles. She failed but caused the City to waste $20K in needless code enforcement costs. Brrrrr.

2. 2009 saw the reappearance of Linda LeQuire, Fullerton City Council’s original Queen of Spleen in the 1980s, who despised renters and Democrats with a weird hate lust, and who was aptly mated with her equally dim welder-husband, Roy (see below). LeQuire popped up right on cue to smear Chris Norby early in the 72nd campaign with allegations of having done something bad, sometime, somewhere, as verifiable by the now-dead former City Manager. Shriek!

3. And what should reappear during the summer, but the emanation of former one-term Council person Leland Wilson, who still has apparently failed to learn that you can’t make everybody happy by trying to be all things to all people. In August Leland joined an e-mail string attacking an OC Register editorial against Fullerton’s fraudulent Redevelopment expansion. His statement that “I’ve never seen so much BS in an editorial in all my life” was sent to such luminaries as Marty Burbank, Linda Ackerman, Peter Godfrey (see below), Roy LeQuire (see above), and Buck “Big Government” Catlin, among a wider assortment of staff stooges and pro-Redevelopment parasites.

Well of course the boys in the white van got hold of it! We didn’t post about it at the time because it seemed more annoying than significant. The frightening thing is maybe Leland Wilson still thinks he’s got a political future by parroting the self-interest pro-Redevelopment blathering of the Chamber of Commerce City Hall lackeys. If so, he’s wrong. Oooh. Stop it, Leland, you’re scaring us.

4. Good Lord! A Peter Godfrey sighting. This former Council member from the 1990s materialized at a City Council meeting to pitch the Redevelopment expansion. Who asked him to show up, and why anybody thought his opinion on any subject mattered at all, still remain a mystery, but not one hard to solve. Godfrey was an ineffective midget while on the council, and the years have done nothing to enhance his stature. The fact that Peter’s wife, Lois, kicked in a Big One to the Ackerwoman (see above) scampaign speaks volumes. Eeeeeek!