Oops. Slidebro Backtracking?

Brandon Ferguson of the OC Weekly is suggesting that downtown Fullerton bar owner Jeremy Popoff appears to be talking out of both sides of his mouth considering his recent voicemail left at the Weekly, and assertions made subsequently on-line.

On Facebook, Mr. Pop denies dodging requests to talk to the Weekly about his establishment’s role in the Kelly Thomas murder. And he seems to be accusing Ferguson of somehow twisting the words of his voice message.

You can be the judge since Ferguson has thoughtfully posted a link to the audio and shares a screenshot of the facebook page.

True, enough, the actual word of the voice mail message are non-specific – but the topic is clear enough – Kelly Thomas – and Popoff clearly says the stories are “not true.” Since the only issue involving his establishment and the murder are the questions of who made the call to the cops, and why, we know exactly what he is talking about.

The only thing I can think of is that perhaps Slidebro is getting nervous about his denial that the call to FPD on the night of 7 /5/11 did in fact come from the Slidebar. But as Mr. Jeremy acknowledges himself, the preliminary hearing is only six weeks off and all sorts of things may start coming to light.

We Get Mail: Slidebar to The Rescue!

Found this in our “in basket” tonight from an anonymous correspondent:

Well, that's two of the basic food groups...

Here’s an in-depth article written by Sally French at the OC Register detailing the philanthropic spirit of the downtown Fullerton’s Slidebar “club,” and its owner, Jeremy Popoff, who has been much-maligned by people on this mean blog.

Unlike Friends for Fullerton’s Future, Sally recognizes somebody who gives back to the community – and in a big way. Feeding 700 people mac and cheese ain’t free!

The cynics on this site will say that this was merely a publicity stunt perpetrated by a douchebag with a guilty conscience or a Fear of the Living Jehovah. And I say: how much chloersterol and empty carbs have any of you given the hungry?!

Slidebro Speaks, Sort Of; Denies Phone Call! Oh, and Yeah, Ban Lifted on Reporter;

The other day we did a post on how the downtown Fullerton establishment known as the Slidebar had banned OC Weekly reporter Brandon Ferguson, speculatively for the latter’s passing along what had become common knowledge: that the “anonymous” phone call that initiated events culminating in the murder of Kelly Thomas was made by a Slidebar employee.

Here’s a follow up Weekly post in which describing a message Slidebar proprietor, Jeremy Popoff left at the Weekly.

In a Dec. 29 phone message to the Weekly in response to months of seeking an interview, Popoff–who is also a guitarist for the band Lit–addressed the rumor involving the killing of Kelly Thomas.

“I can tell you it’s not true,” he said.

But in the same message, Popoff said he will not accept the paper’s repeated invitations to field questions about the subject.

“I just don’t want to participate,” he said.

There has been considerable speculation that the call in question was actually orchestrated with the cops involved in the Thomas murder themselves, which of course, if true, would constitute a criminal conspiracy. While nobody in authority will discuss this possibility, it would account for the otherwise inexplicably provocative and violent actions of Ramos, Wolfe, and Cicinelli.

Whether Mr. Jeremy will ever have to participate in the Kelly Thomas affair against his wishes remains unclear. FPD documents relating to the phone call and its origin have apparently been redacted to Hell and back, although sooner or later the originals are bound to surface.

Slidebar Has A Blackball List

No, you may not come in.

Guess so, but it seems to be oddly short, and it doesn’t appear to be for loud, sloppy drunks.

Image swiped from OC Weekly

Yesterday, Brandon Ferguson of The OC Weekly posted a story about how he has been banned from the Slidebar bar, presumably for sharing the allegation that it was a Slidebar employee who made that fateful call that somebody appeared to be breaking into cars in the parking lot. That call, whoever made it, led to the cop torture and beating death of Kelly Thomas, a homeless man, last July 5th .

Of course no evidence has ever been presented that anybody was breaking into cars, and no evidence linking Thomas to any illegal act.

Incidentally, the other day Brandon Ferguson noted that The Weekly was getting the cold shoulder from FPD spokesphincter Andrew Goodrich, apparently because of Marisa Gerber’s Fringie® winning expose on the rampant Culture of Corruption in Goodrich’s department: you know, all that garbage he neglects to inform his employers (us) about. That got Marisa hollered at by the arrogant swine.

I’m really starting to like this Ferguson guy.


Flight of the Slidebros

The quality of the bus depot surveillance footage on the night of Kelly Thomas’ beating is still a mystery, but here’s a demonstration of the low-light and zoom capabilities of that same camera taken on August 16th (including with some random zoom footage from an identical model camera obtained elsewhere.)

This camera is about 150 ft. away from the spot where the beating took place. In this example, the camera was aligned to capture the comings and goings of Slidebar patrons on a Tuesday night.

High Culture At Last Comes to Downtown Fullerton

Brains and ambition...
Brains and ambition. The current events quiz approaches.

As the interim FFFF Life and Times Editor, I have been remiss. I guess I missed the event yesterday, but apparently a KROQ radio show turned up at the Slidebar in DTF to put on their regular Miss Double D-cember program, an uplifting show that gives its participants an opportunity to display their manifest talent(s), and the spectators (seemingly of both sexes) a chance to inspect those talents. The program also featured a Gene Simmons look-alike, a dwarf, and a bunch of Marines in dress uniform. I’m pretty sure this event was not subsidized by the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency.

Here’s a link to the thought provoking (OC Weekly, naturally) photo montage.

For me, one question remains. Why are Marines so short?